"M - modernization": what is good about the updated tank T-90M Proryv-3

  • Jun 14, 2021
The Proryv-3, a modification of the well-known Russian T-90 tank, should become the most popular model in the entire history of the Russian Federation in the foreseeable future. Surely many compatriots are interested in what is so special hidden behind the index "M", because as such the T-90 was born almost 30 years ago. And most importantly: what is really good about the domestic tank after the next update.
The Proryv-3, a modification of the well-known Russian T-90 tank, should become the most popular model in the entire history of the Russian Federation in the foreseeable future. Surely many compatriots are interested in what is so special hidden behind the index "M", because as such the T-90 was born almost 30 years ago. And most importantly: what is really good about the domestic tank after the next update.
The Proryv-3, a modification of the well-known Russian T-90 tank, should become the most popular model in the entire history of the Russian Federation in the foreseeable future. Surely many compatriots are interested in what is so special hidden behind the index "M", because as such the T-90 was born almost 30 years ago. And most importantly: what is really good about the domestic tank after the next update.
The T-90 tanks have a difficult story. / Photo: livejournal.com.
The T-90 tanks have a difficult story. / Photo: livejournal.com.
The T-90 tanks have a difficult story. / Photo: livejournal.com.

The T-90 tank at one time became a deep modernization of another Soviet main tank - the T-72B, which is in service with many countries to this day. Development of the T-90 began back in 1982. The subsequent collapse of the country did not affect the defense project in the best way, nevertheless, in 1992, it was possible to launch the 90A into mass production and begin to equip the army with it. The current T-90M tank, codenamed "Breakthrough-3", is a deep and thorough modernization of the chronological predecessor of the combat vehicle. We can say that the new "M" -ka is the same T-90, only with Wi-Fi. Although in reality everything is not so simple.

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Serious car. / Photo: u-f.ru.
Serious car. / Photo: u-f.ru.

In terms of the arsenal of means of destruction of the enemy, the T-90M will have little surprise. The already familiar 125mm 2A82-1M smoothbore cannon with about 40 rounds of ammunition is used on tanks. Tankers have a variety of ammunition at their disposal: armor-piercing, high-explosive, sub-caliber, the tank can still fire guided missiles. The additional armament of the "Breakthrough-3" is the same as that of the old T-90s, it is simply impossible to come up with something new here: machine guns 7.62 and 12.7 mm, 40 mm grenade launchers and even flamethrowers.

First of all, the filling was improved. / Photo: 123ru.net.
First of all, the filling was improved. / Photo: 123ru.net.

What's really new and good about "Breakthrough" is the electronic filling. The tank was literally stuffed with modern technology. Here we have a new guidance system, an updated projectile feed mechanism, a computer that deals with calculations for the investment of shooting and aiming, modern optics and updated facilities observation. They even installed several cameras on the tank for a comprehensive view around the vehicle. Radio equipment has also been updated. The Breakthrough tanks will interact with each other using a wireless network similar to civilian Wi-Fi.

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The tank has become better in every way. / Photo: rossaprimavera.ru.
The tank has become better in every way. / Photo: rossaprimavera.ru.

Also, the tank was equipped with an impressive arsenal of sensors from a meter for air humidity and wind speed, to a Geiger counter. Some of the electronic surveillance equipment is traditionally duplicated by mechanical ones. A new modern receiver has appeared inside the tank, which allows to reduce the gas content of the internal space after a shot. In addition, an air conditioner was installed to increase the comfort of the soldiers (it is not clear who will refuel them in real combat conditions). Finally, the active defense of the combat vehicle has been updated. The T-90M received a new version of the Relikt dynamic armor.

Continuing the topic, read about
"Object 225": what was the unique tank project of the USSR.
A source:


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