How to grow sweet tomatoes - how to feed

  • Jul 30, 2021

Today there are many varieties of tomatoes, some of them are sweet initially, while others can be made as such with the help of special baits.

Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Conditions affecting the sweetness of the fruit

In addition to special dressings, for the accumulation of sweetness, tomatoes need to create special conditions for the growth and ripening of fruits. This is about:

  • a sufficient amount of direct sunlight;
  • normal soil acidity;
  • comfortable air temperature;
  • timely and complete, but not excessive watering.

If these conditions are fully met, then the likelihood of accumulation of sweetness in tomatoes will be at around 50 percent or more. The remaining half will depend on correct and timely feeding.

Important: it is necessary to make the feeding necessary for sweetness at the stage of ovary formation.
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Recommended top dressing should contain potassium and phosphorus. In turn, the amount of nitrogen should be limited, since this microelement causes wateriness of the fruit and in no way contributes to the achievement of the goal.

Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Substances for feeding

After planting tomato seedlings in open ground, you need to feed the bushes regularly, once every couple of weeks. Fertilizer solutions should be used for feeding:

  • mineral;
  • organic.

How to prepare the solution?

For the preparation of any solution that contributes to the accumulation of sugar in tomatoes, clean and warm water is required, the reserves of which should be taken care of in advance. To do this, you can use large barrels set in the sun. So, for cooking:

  1. Superphosphate fertilizer you will need 10 liters of warm, clean water, in which you need to dilute one part of the fertilizers themselves and let it brew for a day. This amount will be enough to feed one square meter of tomato beds. For a more pronounced effect, it is recommended to add potassium nitrate to the mixture.
  2. Potassium nitrate it is necessary to dilute 20 grams in 10 liters of clean and warm water. Add a superphosphate solution, a little potassium nitrate or wood ash to the mixture. The solution is also infused for one day and used on one square meter of tomato beds.
  3. Diammofoska with a content of 25 percent potassium and phosphorus and no more than 10 percent nitrogen. This agent can be applied to the soil dry at the rate of one tablespoon per square meter of soil, after which it is necessary to water the soil abundantly.
Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

How to add sweetness to any variety of tomatoes?

As mentioned above, today there are a large number of varieties of tomatoes, some of them are sweet, others are not. However, sometimes even initially “sweet” varieties can produce fruits with the wrong taste that was planned and expected.

In order to avoid such disappointment, you can add half of one teaspoon of Diammofosk to each hole at the stage of planting plants in open ground. Such a substance is inexpensive and is sold in any specialty store.

If you want to grow "sugar" tomatoes, you can use several feeding options at once. However, in this case, the fruits may become too sweet, and this is not always good.

Do you know how to grow sweet tomatoes?

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