How to get rid of sow thistle on the site

  • Jul 30, 2021

Sow thistle is a plant of the Asteraceae family (Asteraceae). There are about 130 species of it in the world. As a weed in the dachas of the middle lane, two grow: garden sow thistle and field sow thistle. The first is an annual plant. The second is a perennial. In the literature for gardeners, you can find other names for the field sow thistle: yellow and euphorbia. The similarity of the milkweed to the milkweed often leads to confusion, despite the fact that they are completely different plants.

 Sow thistle [/ caption]
Sow thistle [/ caption]
Sow thistle [/ caption]


Externally, field and garden sow thistles have significant differences. Sow thistle grows no higher than 1 meter, often not overcoming the 25 cm mark. Field can reach 2 m. The shape of the leaves is the same: serrated, with spines at the edges. There are thorns on the stem as well. Leaves grow almost the entire length, leaving only the top of the stem bald.

Flowers and fruits of a sow thistle are easy to confuse with a dandelion: the flowers are yellow, form dense inflorescences, the fruits are fluffy white achenes, easily inflated by gusts of wind. Difference in size: the flowers and inflorescences of sow thistle are much smaller than those of dandelions.
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Plant propagation

Like any weed, thistle is characterized by high fertility, minimal needs for existence and high ability to regenerate.

The sow thistle has two breeding methods:

  1. With the help of seeds. Sow thistle seeds are carried by the slightest breath of wind, overcoming impressive distances through the air. The seeds do not have a dormant period, which makes them capable of germination at any time of the year, given the right conditions.
  2. With the help of rhizome regeneration. The sow thistle rhizome has both a horizontal part, located at the soil surface, and a vertical part, extending several meters underground. If the root is damaged, the adventitious buds are able to give a new sprout, from which a full-fledged plant later grows.

Methods for dealing with sow thistle

Together, the two breeding methods make the sow thistle an almost invincible weed. There are several methods to minimize the damage done to them:

  • mechanical;
  • folk remedies;
  • pesticide.

Mechanical control of the rest involves the use of garden tools: hoes, shovels, a rake, as well as hand weeding. Young plant stems do not grow even up to 25 cm, and the roots during this period do not have time to grow deep into the ground. To minimize the regeneration of the rhizome, you should repeat the digging of the site several times at regular intervals.

[caption id = "attachment_16102" align = "aligncenter" width = "800"] Fight against sow thistle [/ caption]
[caption id = "attachment_16102" align = "aligncenter" width = "800"] Fight against sow thistle [/ caption]

Traditional methods of dealing with sow thistle can also be divided into two categories:

  1. Fight with other plants. Sow thistles do not tolerate being close to annual dahlias, and solid sowing crops such as rye, wheat, oats gradually inhibit the ability of the sow thist to regenerate.
  2. Fighting by spraying with substances found in almost every home. These include kerosene, tea soda, ammonia, and a mixture of vinegar and salt.
The chemical agents that are effective in the fight against thistle include herbicides: "Clorite", "Fighter" and "Lazurit". Special precautions should be taken with these substances, since contact with grown crops can lead to serious consequences for both plants and humans.

Thus, in order to get rid of sow thistle, it is necessary not only to correctly identify the weed, but also to choose the most convenient method of control. It is important to apply the practical achievements of experienced gardeners, chemists and agricultural technologists in aggregate. Only in this case the likelihood of the return of the sow thistle to the garden plot is minimized.

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