Diseases of grapes and their treatment, as well as pest control and prevention measures

  • Jul 30, 2021

Pests and diseases can severely harm the grape harvest. In addition to regular watering and fertilization, you need to spray plants from pests with various preparations.

Grape care [/ caption]
Grape care [/ caption]
Grape care [/ caption]

Insect pests and methods of dealing with them

  • Phyloxera are small insects that usually sit on the roots and in the lower part of the vine;
  • mites - about 0.15-0.6 mm, appear in the spring and feed on the leaves and buds of plants;
  • leafworms are voracious caterpillars; flowers, stepsons, leaves and buds suffer from them.

You need to spray the grapes regularly. For the first time it is processed in the spring, when it gets warmer up to +5 ° C. A solution of copper sulfate helps from mice and diseases. They need to spray the plant itself and additionally water the soil to prevent infection with pathogenic microbes. Two weeks after the appearance of the first five leaves, the grapes should be treated with Nitrafen. You will need to spray the last time before flowering. The choice of drug depends on the pest or disease.

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In the summer, in addition to insects, fungal diseases can appear in grapes. A solution of potassium permanganate helps from them, as well as a composition with copper or sulfur. The grapes should be processed when the berries are ripening and the procedures should be repeated every 10 days.

In autumn, in order to scare off rodents and prevent fungal diseases, grapes are processed after pruning.

Before covering the plants for the winter, they should be treated with copper sulfate.

[caption id = "attachment_16105" align = "aligncenter" width = "800"] Treatment of grapes from diseases [/ caption]
[caption id = "attachment_16105" align = "aligncenter" width = "800"] Treatment of grapes from diseases [/ caption]

Insecticides and Biologicals


  1. Bordeaux liquid is one of the most effective chemicals. Helps with most problems. Before budding, the first time should be treated with a more concentrated infusion. Then, when the leaves bloom, a 1% solution will do.
  2. Copper sulfate is excellent for treating fungal diseases. For 2 liters of water, you should take 300 g of the drug and slaked lime, mix, filter. For prevention, 100 g is enough. More suitable for peaty, sandy soil.
  3. Iron vitriol (iron sulfate) makes up for the lack of iron in plants. Foliar dressing can be carried out both during the growing season of plants with an aqueous solution of vitriol (50 g per 1 l of water), and after the leaves fall (300 g per 10 l of water) in the autumn. Perfectly helps in the fight against disturbed growth and development of grapes.

Biological agents

Produced on the basis of microorganisms that destroy pests and fungi:

  1. Fitosporin - helps against powdery mildew, cytosporosis and root rot. For prophylaxis, it should be used every two weeks. The drug is pasty, powder, in the form of a suspension.
  2. Trichodermine helps with fungal infections and rot. Processing is needed every two weeks after the appearance of the leaves.
[caption id = "attachment_16106" align = "alignnone" width = "800"] Diseases of grapes [/ caption]
[caption id = "attachment_16106" align = "alignnone" width = "800"] Diseases of grapes [/ caption]

Folk recipes

We must not forget about folk remedies for combating diseases and insects. This will save money, and you can not be afraid of an oversupply of fertilizers. Let's consider the most popular methods:

  1. Soap solution helps with aphids. 10 liters of water requires 300 g of soap shavings or liquid soap. The solution is thoroughly mixed, and you can water the grape leaves.
  2. Parsley will protect from phylloxera; it is enough to plant it around the entire perimeter of the site.
  3. Abundant spraying with a decoction of wormwood will scare away the leafworm.
  4. Soda ash will help with powdery mildew.
So, it is very important to carefully inspect the grapes in order to have time to respond to the problem in a timely manner. Then insects and diseases will not interfere with the harvest.