How to file down the branches on fruit trees

  • Dec 24, 2019

Periodically gardeners cut down large branches on fruit trees. They can break or interfere with the passage to be correctly positioned in the crown. You need to know some rules sawing branches to form the wound was covered with bark.

Periodically gardeners cut down large branches on fruit trees. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Periodically gardeners cut down large branches on fruit trees. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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The consequences of incorrect cutting of branches

Not all gardeners know how to file down the branches properly. Some subtleties of the process apply to all fruit trees: apple, plum, pear, cherry, sweet cherry and others. If you cut the branch is incorrect, a wounded place will rot in the future. The wound will turn into a hollow, and the tree will die.

When the saw cut is undesirable to leave swirls. This happens when the wooden house at a convenient height. The branches need to be removed to the ground, but it will require extreme accuracy.

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Proper removal means for sawing ring. If you look closely, there is a branch near a dark line. It is very similar to a ring. It is the boundary for the framework. Otherwise it remains a small stump, and cut down will not last. In the future, the dead wood will rot cells. When blockhouse branches deeper lines, there is a risk of tissue damage. The tree can be badly hit.

How to prepare for sawing - step by step instructions:

  • Mark the place log for accuracy and convenience. Draw a chalk cut border. It must be located on the upper line and perpendicular to the growth rings branches. The damaged area is small, and there will be a tree stump.
  • Before removing the branches should be cut down a large escape. It is located at a height of about 30 cm. Then the branch will not break under its own weight.
  • You can start sawing, saw deepened by 2 cm.

Tips gardeners to remove branches

It is better to start to cut branches from below. If you ignore the rules after the cut at the bottom of stripped tree bark. After sawing the lower branch to continue to remove the top. We need to move in the direction of influx of the ring to the bottom of the cut. Ideally Speel should get even, not to damage the bark around the edges.

Some gardeners neglect treatment cut after sawing. By staying open, it is a wound. It enters the water and fungus. The cut should be a means to paint, oil-based or garden pitch.

If you cut down the right, eventually wound covered with bark. He drags entirely after 2-4 years. of log space should be checked annually. Dead tissue delete and update protective coating.

You can try to remove the branch shears. The method is perfect for peach trees. Its advantage is considered to be minimal damage to the trunk. Small wound tightened quite quickly.

Garden Var - a tool for the treatment of SPIL and heal damage to the trees. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Garden Var - a tool for the treatment of SPIL and heal damage to the trees. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

What is a garden pitch and how to cook it yourself?

Inexperienced gardeners often have no idea what the garden Var. So called Spila means for processing and healing of damaged trees. Garden Var protects them from bacteria, parasites, insects and fungi. It prevents the loss of sap. Gloss over wounds need some time after the cut branches when the surface dries out a bit.

Garden Var easy to do yourself and apply. He does not pollute the clothes. However, the tool can not be used at low temperature. In winter, it is poorly applied and hardens quickly. It is not recommended to buy too cheap garden var. In summer, it can burn the wood due to chemical ingredients in the composition.

Means to make it easy to own. There are many different recipes, but the most popular is a paraffin. For it will need to take the wax, resin and mineral oil. The components taken in a ratio of 6: 3: 2. In the absence of the last ingredient, can take sunflower oil:

  • Melt the wax and mix with rosin. It is necessary to pre-grind.
  • Wait until the boiling mixture, then slowly pour the oil.
  • Boil for half an hour, turn off the stove and allow the composition to cool.
  • Mash mass until smooth and put in a jar with a lid.

There are a variety of the above recipe. It is necessary to take the ingredients in the following proportions: 1: 1: 1. Only instead of mineral oil need gear or linseed oil.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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