5 Reasons Why footcloths were popular in the Soviet army than socks

  • Dec 24, 2019

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Footcloth - each soldier.
Footcloth - each soldier.

Footcloths appeared a long time ago, somewhere else at the end of the first millennium. At first, they were worn with bast shoes. But the most popular footcloth acquired thanks to the army. Why it has become one of the symbols of the Russian soldier, and what is its main secret? This will be discussed.

The simplicity and versatility

Nothing could be easier.
Nothing could be easier.

Puttee can be made from almost any tissue piece. Most importantly, it lacked in size. It is important that if you take the tissue more than is necessary, puttee can be used even under the boot larger. However, he will not hang out and rub (if footcloth fastened correctly). Of course, it will not be easy, but at least to the end of the road legs will be intact.


Much better socks.
Much better socks.

Unlike any socks, fleece footcloth dries much faster. It also wicks away moisture better, including sweat. Finally, even after the long-range transitions footcloth will not smell like socks. Leg it feels comfortable.

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Just rewind and again everything is in order.
Just rewind and again everything is in order.

When it comes to wet feet, footcloth out of socks just incredible gap. If the socks were wet, they have to be dried as quickly as possible. But not puttee. Thanks to its size and specificity of the winding, in most situations, simply rewind puttee dry edge. The same goes for the hole. If footcloth rubbed in some important place, it is often possible to rewind and leg again protected!


The main thing to do everything right.
The main thing to do everything right.

Even the best sock does not protect from the cold as good footcloth. Footcloth holds heat better. That is why, a spare pair of footcloths always kept in the cold season warm. This made it possible, if necessary, roll up your feet in a warm cloth, and not into the fabric zadubevshey frost.

Faster than a sock

Soldier on fudge is ready.
Soldier on fudge is ready.

There is a way to dress puttee faster sock. It was invented by the soldiers, who first put puttee over the tops of his boots, and then just shoved into the boot leg with it. Of course, this method is not the best, and after some time will have to roll up footcloths by all the rules, but if you want to put on shoes quickly and not stay without legs - will do.

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