Cucumbers: strong roots - a great harvest

  • Dec 24, 2019

No matter what area of ​​your infield, and whether it is at all, as many vegetables can be grown in open field and on the balcony.

Growing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Tips and tricks

Gardeners often use traditional methods of growing cucumbers, but there are several techniques that can increase the growing season of this vegetable culture and increase its productivity.

The method is based on the strengthening of the root system of the plants through the development of adventitious roots. According to the methodology, strong roots cucumbers create additional power plants.

At the bottom of the cucumber stems, there are many subtle formations from which adventitious roots are formed. Hilling seedlings stimulates their growth and strengthens the root system.

Seedlings cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Seedlings cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
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The method is simple. It can even be used by inexperienced gardeners. First of all it should be noted that the cucumbers are demanding to light fertile soils. Therefore, before the incorporation of seeds necessary to prepare a soil mix consisting of 50% sand and 50% humus.

Cucumbers by this procedure can be grown seedlings and nonseedlings manner.

For early harvest using seedling method. Seeds are sown in boxes, half-filled with soil mix. Draw grooves in 4 cm apart. The distance between the seeds in the grooves - also about 4 cm. Buried to a depth of 2-3 cm. As the seedling growth of boxes filled with soil.

After the appearance of 1-2 leaves permanent seedlings ready for transplanting. Cucumbers hard tolerate this procedure, so you need to transplant them carefully. To do this, the soil in the box is cut into squares and transferred to the plants in individual containers or pots of peat-compost, taking care not to damage the soil com. As they grow, the soil spiked up until the tank will not be filled completely. Transplant seedlings of cucumbers in the open ground should be after the lateral and adventitious roots will grow and completely fill the tank.

When growing cucumbers nonseedlings way it should be remembered that they are germinated at + 15 ° C, so sow them in the open ground should be upon the occurrence of stable warm weather, when well warmed the soil. In arid areas it is recommended to soak the seeds and germinate.

Germinated cucumber seeds were sown into the wells or trenches rate of 7-8 pieces per 1 square. m. deep wells do on bayonet spade. On the bottom was placed a layer of compost, in which stack the seeds covered with soil and 3 cm. Before emergence is necessary to monitor soil moisture. Plants with increasing spud, filling the wells with soil.

Harvest cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Harvest cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

The last stage works on strengthening the root system will superphosphate feeding rate of 200 g per 1 sq. m. After that fits around the wells last year straw layer, which covered with soil and watered. In the process of decomposition straw will generate heat and carbon dioxide. This will be an additional power plant.

The advantage of the method for seedlings before nonseedlings is that it allows you to get an earlier harvest and transplant procedures of the boxes in the pots is a kind of sparring. In this case, the root system is enhanced by stimulation and paranasal, and lateral roots.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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Read more: The most important thing about cucumbers problems