Reasons for the absence of ovaries on fruit trees

  • Jul 31, 2021

Blooming fruit trees does not guarantee a large harvest. Sometimes it happens that after the petals fall off, a small number of ovaries are formed. There may be several reasons.

Apricots. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Apricots. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Apricots. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Insufficient pollination

The main reason for the lack of ovaries. There is a large number of self-fruitless varieties of fruit plants. They need pollinating neighbors to bear fruit. These are trees of the same species, but of a different variety. In their absence, no more than 5% of flowers are pollinated in self-fertile ones. The rest just fall off.

In addition to pollinating plants, there should be a sufficient number of bees and butterflies in the garden. If there are few of them and they do not cope with their task, they resort to artificial attraction measures:

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  1. Prepare a sweet syrup from 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. Or 1 tbsp. l. sugar per 1 liter of water.
  2. The resulting solution is carefully treated with the crown, paying attention not only to flowers, but also to the leaves.
The sweet scent attracts beneficial insects. Experienced gardeners recommend performing the procedure early in the morning, in dry weather.

Errors in choosing a place

If the absence of ovaries continues for more than one season, mistakes were made in choosing a place for an orchard.

In order for the harvest to be high, with excellent taste, the planting site is chosen with good lighting. Then the plant has enough sunlight to form fruit. Placed in the shade, they produce small, tasteless crops in small quantities.

The place is chosen, protected from drafts or strong impulses of faith. Since the active movement of air makes it difficult for pollinating insects. If gusty winds are characteristic of the area, then they try to place fruit trees near buildings. Or a tall hedge is planted.

Consider the location of groundwater. Plants develop well only if the groundwater is at a depth of at least 2.5 m. Otherwise, the top withers and dies, then the branches. The roots rot and get sick. They solve the problem by creating a drainage layer of crushed stone, expanded clay or broken brick before planting.

The soil for successful growth, active development and fruiting of the garden must be nutritious, conductive to the roots of air and moisture.

Pear. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Pear. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Unfavorable weather conditions

The reason why there are no ovaries on trees.

First of all, these are recurrent frosts. Flowering trees can withstand temperatures as low as -2 ° C. If the temperature drops below, the plants will shed their flowers. The buds can tolerate up to -4 ° C.

They preserve the future harvest and protect the plants by taking a number of measures:

  1. Shelter. Small trees and young seedlings are covered with foil or spunbond. The material is thrown onto the crown and fixed on the trunk.
  2. Smoke. Several heaps of straw and grass are made in the garden. Kindle before the very beginning of frost. A dense layer of smoke covers the ground and the canopy, keeping you warm.
  3. Sprinkling. The event begins as soon as the temperature drops below 0. Use a hose to irrigate the crown. After 10-15 minutes, the procedure is repeated. This creates a thin layer of ice that protects the plant.

Another reason why there are no ovaries is heavy and lingering rainfall. They wash away the pollen

damage flowers. In this case, it will not work to save the crop.

During a drought period, fruit plants experience a lack of water. If you do not organize abundant watering, then the flowers will wither and fall off.

In a gusty wind, pollen is blown off the stamens. They do not attract pollinating insects and do not form fruit.

Fertilization errors

To actively bear fruit, trees need a sufficient amount of nutrients. If the plant actively grows green mass (leaves are large, fleshy, dark green), but does not bloom, this is a clear sign of an excess of nitrogen. In large quantities, it is brought in immediately, as the snow melted, in order to awaken the plant. Further, the dosage is reduced.

Increase the concentration of potassium and phosphorus.

Subject to the rules of planting and caring for the orchard, a stable high yield is obtained.

Do you know the reasons for the shedding of ovaries on trees?

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