If you want your site to have an original green lawn - plant the area with white creeping clover. This plant is excellently used to create flower arrangements from meadow grasses.
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Creeping clover with snow-white inflorescences - undersized (about 10 cm high), strongly bushy perennial with rich green foliage. The plant has trifoliate leaves and white inflorescences, thanks to which a fairly effective grass cover is created that fills the entire surface of the lawn.
The plant is able to bush quite strongly, in this regard, clover is best used to form separate from other groups of grass crops against the background of the lawn. Sometimes clover seeds are added to mixtures suitable for planting in plots, but not more than 7%. The advantage is that the nitrogen contained in the atmosphere helps in the development of the root system, in saturating the green color of the grass, increasing the growth and number of shoots, and makes the lawn more decorative. Thus, it is possible to reduce the amount of applied fertilizers with a nitrogen content or not to apply them at all, which is considered important for the ecology of the lawn.
Due to the fact that the plant has a powerful root system, clover, which is part of the grass mixtures, must be used for planting on slopes, slopes and tinning empty areas. The culture is undemanding to the ground, but does not tolerate stagnant liquid. Grows well in lighted areas. It grows back quickly after mowing.
Planting white clover
The crop should be sown from April 15 to early June, as soon as the average daily air temperature rises to 10-15 ° C. A slight night temperature regime contributes to the development of the root system and tillering.
Up to 20 g of seed should be planted per square meter. Clover blooms from May to August after two years of planting in the ground. Then it must be mowed. The culture blooms again from August 15 to November.
In addition to looking very beautiful, a clover lawn has a whole list of positive properties:
- Winter hardy enough.
- It grows well on infertile soil, does not need frequent watering and top dressing with various fertilizers. It is considered a soil-improving crop.
- Clover resists trampling, and constantly growing new shoots cover the damaged areas.
- Flowering occurs from late spring to late autumn with white flowers with a delicate aroma, which adds decorativeness to the lawn.
Plant in landscape design
But still, with all the advantages of clover, it looks simpler than a ceremonial classic English lawn, consisting only of cereal plants.
It is best to break lawn areas from this plant not at the main entrance, but in the garden, at children's or sports stadiums.
To break down a meadow lawn on poor soil, it is advised to use the following grass mixture consisting of seeds:
- white clover (25%);
- common bent (25%);
- red fescue (25%);
- meadow bluegrass (25%).
The service life of a lawn lawn depends entirely on its use and maintenance. On average, this period lasts 5-7 years, but with proper care, a white clover meadow can last for decades.
Do you know which white clover is good for lawn planting?
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