Protecting cabbage from pests: folk remedies

  • Jul 31, 2021

Cabbage is very tasty and nutritious, so many insect pests want to eat it. There are many chemical insecticides for the vegetable garden, but if you prefer organic vegetables, you should use long-known folk remedies for crop protection.

Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Processing cabbage from pests is carried out regularly. It must be remembered that spraying should not be carried out in bright sun. The best time for this is in the evening, when the sun's rays lose their activity.

The most simple folk remedies are:

  1. REAL TOBACCO LEAVES. Used as protection against cruciferous flea beetles. Such a drug is made at the rate of 200 g of leaves per ten-liter bucket of hot water, insisted for 2-3 hours and a tablespoon of liquid soap is added.
  2. CELERY decoction. Helps with cabbage fly. Celery stalks are boiled in water for half an hour, then insisted until they cool completely. Filter, add liquid soap or half a glass of milk. For spraying, dilute with water 1: 5. For 4 kg of stems, take 10 liters of water.
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  3. VINEGAR SOLUTION. An excellent remedy for cruciferous flea beetles, the easiest to prepare. It is necessary to dilute a glass of 9% vinegar with a ten-liter bucket of water. Test this solution on one head of cabbage, if everything is fine, continue processing the rest of the plants.
  4. AMMONIA. A solution of ammonia perfectly destroys aphids, bears, ants and slugs. Add 10 mg of ammonia to a bucket of water, pour it into the holes just before planting the cabbage. It is recommended to add no more than half a liter for each hole.
  5. PHARMACEUTICAL CAMOMILE. Eliminates aphids and caterpillars from cabbage. A kilogram of chamomile flowers is poured with a bucket of hot water and insisted until completely cooled. Dilute to 40 L and add 120 g of soap.
  6. MULCH. For slugs, a very effective way is to mulch the soil, which is best done with coniferous needles or eggshells. Treating the soil with ash around cabbage seedlings will not only scare off slugs, but also fertilize the plant well.
Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Protecting cabbage from pests is a laborious but necessary process if you want to get a decent harvest.

There are many more ways, each experienced gardener has his own personal methods in store. When choosing a method that is acceptable to you, you need to take into account the composition of the soil, moisture, climatic conditions and the place where the cabbage grows. And, most importantly, how much time you can devote to your garden. You can easily and simply buy pest controllers, spray the garden and forget about pests until the end of the season, or you can do it without regret time and effort, use environmentally friendly spraying and not think about the presence of chemicals in grown fruits.

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