Simple ways to peel walnuts and keep the kernel intact

  • Jul 31, 2021

Many people buy peeled walnuts, despite the fact that there is a lot of information on the Internet about the uselessness and even harmfulness of these products, if they were stored in a peeled form for a long time. But you can do all this at home, especially since now there are special devices for extracting nuclei from the shell. However, there are several ways to get the desired result without fancy devices, and they are all simple.

There are several simple ways to peel a nut from the shell without using special devices / Photo:
There are several simple ways to peel a nut from the shell without using special devices / Photo:
There are several simple ways to peel a nut from the shell without using special devices / Photo:

1. The first way

In order for the walnut shells to be easily cleaned, it is necessary to pour boiling water over them / Photo: vedomostinso.rf
In order for the walnut shells to be easily cleaned, it is necessary to pour boiling water over them / Photo: vedomostinso.rf

We need a container of boiling water, in which walnuts are placed for ten minutes. After that, you need to get them out and open the shell with a knife or screwdriver, whoever is comfortable. The tip of the knife is inserted into a small crack in the nut (it is on the blunt side of the product) and scrolls slightly. Since the shell became soft after being treated with boiling water, it opens very quickly.

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It is easy to free the kernel of the nut with pliers / Photo:
It is easy to free the kernel of the nut with pliers / Photo:

The next step is to extract the whole kernel. Another tool will come to the rescue - pliers. Little by little, they break off small pieces of the shell until the nut is freed. All that remains is to remove the partitions.

Instead of boiling water, you can use a preheated oven / Photo:
Instead of boiling water, you can use a preheated oven / Photo:

Instead of boiling water, you can use an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Nuts must be placed there for a similar period of time (ten to fifteen minutes). As a result, the shell will soften, and it will be easy to remove the kernel from it.

After heat treatment, the nuts should be knocked lightly with a hammer / Photo:
After heat treatment, the nuts should be knocked lightly with a hammer / Photo:

Here the hammer will come to the rescue. They need to lightly tap the nut until cracks appear, along which the shell can be removed using any sharp object.

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2. Second way

If the walnut shell is pre-frozen, it will crack easily / Photo:
If the walnut shell is pre-frozen, it will crack easily / Photo:

If in the first case we warmed up the shell, then in this case it is necessary to freeze it. Nuts are placed in the freezer for fifteen to twenty minutes. The inner part does not freeze, but the shell becomes brittle and crushed without problems. If you keep it for a little longer, and then knock the nuts on the table surface directly in the bag, the shell will begin to crack.

Only extracted walnut kernels are very beneficial for health / Photo:
Only extracted walnut kernels are very beneficial for health / Photo:

Uncrushed kernels are much more pleasant to eat than crumbled kernels. And only the nuts extracted from the shell are much more useful than those that have been lying in an unknown place for a long time.

Walnuts not only have a beneficial effect on the body, but also make any dish tasty and aromatic. Take note
5 unconventional cupcake recipes that a family will need to eat after trying.

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