7 fines for summer residents that most people don't even know about

  • Jul 31, 2021
Keeping a dacha farm is not an easy task, full of production and domestic difficulties. That in the work routine, that in the long-awaited vacation at your site, you can easily forget about the need to comply with some not always obvious rules. Their violation entails very serious consequences, tangible for the family budget. But many citizens do not even know about a number of violations until they are fined for them.
Keeping a dacha farm is not an easy task, full of production and domestic difficulties. That in the work routine, that in the long-awaited vacation at your site, you can easily forget about the need to comply with some not always obvious rules. Their violation entails very serious consequences, tangible for the family budget. But many citizens do not even know about a number of violations until they are fined for them.
Keeping a dacha farm is not an easy task, full of production and domestic difficulties. That in the work routine, that in the long-awaited vacation at your site, you can easily forget about the need to comply with some not always obvious rules. Their violation entails very serious consequences, tangible for the family budget. But many citizens do not even know about a number of violations until they are fined for them.

1. Damage to property by pets

Pits are a reason for a fine. / Photo: shtrafproletel.
Pits are a reason for a fine. / Photo: shtrafproletel.
Pits are a reason for a fine. / Photo: shtrafproletel.

Fine amount: depending on the degree of damage

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Any damage caused to the dacha of the neighbors in the village by the citizen's pets is a serious offense, for which you will have to answer with a ruble. In addition, in many cases, the person will also be forced to repair the damage. Under the concept of "damage" can, if desired, absolutely bring even the digging of holes by pigs or dogs.

2. Individual construction

The construction must be coordinated. / Photo: initial.com.ua.
The construction must be coordinated. / Photo: initial.com.ua.

Fine amount: from 2 to 5 thousand rubles

Unauthorized construction on a summer cottage without observing the existing regulations of the state in this regard entails a rather serious punishment. Before undertaking any construction, it is necessary to study the laws, and even better - to consult a lawyer on this matter.

3. Land use for other purposes

It is necessary to use the land correctly. / Photo: vesti-sudak.ru.
It is necessary to use the land correctly. / Photo: vesti-sudak.ru.

Fine amount: 1% of the value of the owner's cadastral plot

A very serious and very common violation. Citizens do not have the right to misuse the land allocated for agricultural activities. A fine can "fly in" to a person if, for example, he erects a building in the place where the beds should be.

4. Uncertified well

There are many restrictions on this. / Photo: oboiman.ru.
There are many restrictions on this. / Photo: oboiman.ru.

Fine amount: up to 1 million rubles

Wells on the site must undergo a preliminary state certification procedure. Drilling is generally prohibited without a permit for the extraction of water. The penalty for such a violation is simply colossal. The exception is those cases when the well pumps no more than 100 cubic meters of water per day.

5. Overgrown plot

There will be a warning first. / Photo: newtambov.ru.
There will be a warning first. / Photo: newtambov.ru.

Fine amount: from 2 to 5 thousand rubles

Most often, first, a citizen will receive a warning for an overgrown plot with a requirement to correct the situation. If a person does not react in any way to the demands of local authorities, then the owner of the dacha, overgrown with weeds and hogweed, may receive a letter with a fine.

6. Fire safety violation

Serious violation. / Photo: bobr.by.
Serious violation. / Photo: bobr.by.

Fine amount: up to 5 thousand rubles

Perhaps the most obvious of all the things listed here. Nevertheless, for some reason, our citizens forget about fire safety with enviable regularity. From time to time it all ends badly. So do not burn garbage and fry kebabs where there is no specially prepared place for this.

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7. Cluttered area

The site is not a dump. / Photo: news.sarbc.ru.
The site is not a dump. / Photo: news.sarbc.ru.

Fine amount: from 20 to 50 thousand rubles

Finally, it is worth remembering that turning your own site into a natural dump can end very badly. The punishment for such an offense is perhaps the most severe. However, at first the owner can get off with a warning or even two.

Continuing the topic, read about
simple remedy, which will help protect the country house left for wintering from mice.


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