Purple mushrooms: which ones are edible and which are not

  • Jul 31, 2021

The variety of species of the mushroom kingdom is striking in its shapes, sizes and shades. What are the purple mushrooms, which can arouse genuine interest. Among such mushrooms there are both edible and inedible ones, and this is what we will talk about now.

Purple mushrooms. Illustration for the article is used from the site odi-city.livejournal.com
Purple mushrooms. Illustration for the article is used from the site odi-city.livejournal.com
Purple mushrooms. Illustration for the article is used from the site odi-city.livejournal.com

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Purple mushrooms you can eat

Purple mushroom "handsome" can be fried, boiled, pickled and salted, and then enjoy their unique taste. Edible violets include.

Purple spider web

This mushroom is considered very rare in our area. Outwardly, it resembles a fly agaric, it has the same thick leg and a similar cap, by the shape of which one can judge the degree of maturation of the mushroom. If the cap is smooth and convex, then the mushroom is young, if it has become shallow and scales have appeared on it, then the mushroom is fully ripe and can be cut off. Scales, by the way, also appear on the stem of a mature mushroom, which can reach a dozen centimeters in height. Immediately after cutting, brown streaks begin to appear on the pulp of such a mushroom, which should not be scared. This mushroom practically does not smell, and after cooking it gets a pronounced nutty flavor.

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Webcap. Illustration for the article is used from the site sveklon.ru
Webcap. Illustration for the article is used from the site sveklon.ru

Pecica purple

Despite the fact that this mushroom has the adjective "purple" in its name, in fact, its color is not too purple, but rather brown, gray or even white with a purple tint. This mushroom has no legs, and its cap can reach a diameter of three or more centimeters. Its surface is smooth and very thin, fragile to the touch. The taste of this mushroom is poorly expressed, and the smell is completely absent.

Cyanosis or bruise

This mushroom can be found quite often in the forests of central Russia. It can be identified by its purple hue, a large funnel-shaped hat, the diameter of which can reach 20 centimeters, and on a leg, thick, 3 centimeters wide and up to 10 centimeters. The bluer the hat, the younger it is; when fully ripe, this shade of the mushroom disappears and it becomes creamy. Immediately under the cap, there are flakes on the stem of a mature mushroom, and the root has a purple mycelium. This mushroom can be eaten, but the mushroom picker can be scared off by its specific aroma, which, by the way, disappears after heat treatment.

Amethyst varnish

Another mushroom that can be found in our forests, outwardly it resembles a small and unsightly morel. The cap of this mushroom changes its shape as it ripens, if at the very beginning it is spherical, then at a later date it is almost flat. As he grows up, his pronounced purple color also disappears, which is replaced by a grayish-brownish-white.

Mushrooms that turn purple during heat treatment

There are also mushrooms that are capable of turning blue or purple when frying or boiling, these include.

Lattice, or goat

The stem and cap of this "fleshy" mushroom are grayish-brownish in color. The inner side of the cap has a yellowish tint and looks like a soft velvety cushion. The mushroom also has a slightly sticky surface of the cap, which, after getting wet, can become covered with mucus. The pulp of this mushroom does not have a pronounced taste, and aroma does not appear after cooking.

Purple mushrooms you shouldn't eat

False camphor lump

This mushroom is very beautiful, it just asks for a basket, however, it is extremely poisonous. It can be recognized by a neat round white hat with a purple or lilac tint, on the surface of which brown spots appear when pressed. If you cut off such a mushroom, then the cut point will immediately turn bright red. It smells like camphor or coconut.

Umbrella purple

Another interesting specimen, which, in principle, is not poisonous. However, you are unlikely to want to try it because of the aroma that this mushroom exudes, and it tastes exactly the same.

Now you know a little more about the unique purple color of edible and inedible mushrooms.

Have you tried purple mushrooms?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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