August is a very important month for flower lovers. There are several mandatory procedures that must be carried out in order for the plants on the land to please. Let's take a look at ten things you can do to make your site look beautiful and fragrant.
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1. Water the flowers regularly
Plants need to be watered during active growth. The soil should be moistened in August. Regularity of the procedure is especially important if the weather is constantly hot and dry.
2. Cut dried flowers to make winter bouquets
In the last month of summer, you can prepare flowers for winter flower arrangements. The procurement is similar to the procurement of medicinal plants. Flowers are only cut in dry weather. They then need to be dried upside down in a dark room.
3. Feed the hydrangea
In August, the hydrangea is at its peak flowering. The period will last until November. Organic fertilizers, such as compost, can be used for the lush flowers. For each flower you need to add 1 or 2 buckets of top dressing.
4. Plant bulbous
At the end of summer, small-bulb and bulbous flowers can be planted. We are talking about galanthuses, crocuses, pushkinia and other similar flowers. As for the crocus, it will bloom only in October or November.
It is also recommended to plant lilies in August. A similar situation is with the reproduction of bulbous varieties.
5. Feed the gladioli
Gladioli do not need nitrogen fertilizers in August. The flower during this period is in the budding period. He needs potassium-phosphorus supplements. For one bucket of water, you should take 30 g of potassium sulfate and 15 g of superphosphate. Flowers are fertilized after you have watered them.
6. Collect seeds
At the end of the summer period, the seeds of calendula, nasturtium, coreopsis, matthiola, gypsophila, etc. ripen. This is the perfect time to collect seeds. Better to do this on a day with good weather and no wind.
7. Plant biennials
If in the spring you planted Turkish carnations, forget-me-nots, daisies and other biennials, then in August they are green bushes. It's time to find a permanent territory for them. Before frosts, plantings with biennial flowers must be mulched.
8. Sow the lawn
Late summer is the ideal time to make a new lawn. The seeds sprout quickly at this time, and the soil is very warm. Before the cold weather, the seeds will sprout and gain strength.
9. Preparing flowers for the winter period
So far, it is far from frost, but now we need to prepare for them. First you need to prepare roses for wintering. You should reduce their watering and do not loosen the ground nearby. Do not cut off the shoots.
10. Cut cuttings from coniferous shrubs
In August and September, it's time to cut evergreen shrub cuttings. You need to find strong shoots and cut green cuttings. The length should not be more than 10 cm. To root the cuttings, the cut site should be treated with a growth stimulator.
Do you know what to do at the dacha in August?
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