Soak the onion in soda before boarding

  • Dec 24, 2019

Soak the onion in the soda helps to get a good crop, reduce bolting and prevent the occurrence of infections. The method is used to prepare well-autumn crop and vegetable disinfection of culture during the spring planting.

Planting onions. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Planting onions. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©


To the procedure of soaking to achieve that result, which is expected, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Instructions for this method is as follows:

  • Prepare the onions. First it is necessary to get rid of the patients head and then with the appropriate instances to remove the top layer of the husk.
  • To heat 1 liter of water to a temperature of +55... + 60 ° C.
  • Prepare a solution that consists of 1 h. l. soda and 1 liter of hot water. Means must be done immediately before soaking, so that it was always the same temperature.
  • Before proceeding to the disinfection procedure, soda must be completely dissolved in water, a means should be nearly transparent.
  • To the solution temperature is lowered, the capacity of which is soaked bow must close tightly and wrap blanket.
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  • The plant must be in solution for half an hour.

This method of processing vegetable culture is used to obtain a large crop reduction and prevention of bolting. Soda has antiseptic properties and is used to combat the occurrence of infections. Increased yields and lack of arrows promotes the correct temperature of the solution.

Method of processing plants can be used both before its landing before freezing and after leaving the cold. If the Onion is preparing for the winter in the soil, the crop it is contraindicated, otherwise it will lead to the development of diseases.
Soaked onions before planting. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Soaked onions before planting. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

To get a good crop before planting onion growers recommend limp soil. It is necessary to prepare a hole, take a little baking soda and spray it on the places where to grow onions. Land with soda dig and start planting. On this fertilized soil will feel perfectly onions and leeks and garlic.

Thanks to the disinfecting properties of the soda solution is suitable for soaking vegetable, and seed to plant. Means, used as a substitute for ash, dolomite and other rasschelachivayuschih drugs.

Using baking soda helps to get rid of onion white rot. If the bow is prepared for autumn planting, it is sufficient to hold in the solution for 5-10 minutes. Spring processing vegetable culture requires a long time: in the disinfectant it is necessary to keep about half an hour.

Using a method such as soaking in soda solution bow helps to reduce crop losses up to 10-20%. To achieve this result, it is necessary to strictly observe the proposed advice and monitor the temperature of the solution mode.

Decontamination of the bow can be carried out not only by means of soda. Good agent is copper sulfate and concentrate. Rotting vegetable crops also prevent the use of wood ash solution or fitosporin.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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Read more:How to get a big crop of onions: 4 Quick Tips