5 sinister evidence that smartphones are watching their owners

  • Dec 24, 2019

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Increasingly, it appears that the excessive mistrust and suspicion are transmitted by airborne droplets. But some phobias as a result are very reasonable. For example, right now, every one of us can follow. No, not an abstract Big Brother and its own smartphone. Why not download all photoappendices a row and what to keep away from the mobile credit card - versed in this review.

Total dependence on smartphones may not have an impact.
Total dependence on smartphones may not have an impact.

Never greet "suspicious" neighbors, always sit on the Internet with just a browser in the "Incognito" and more holy to believe that Alla - a secret agent and a secret weapon of the Kremlin. Yes, excessive suspiciousness - is a diagnosis, which is best to talk with a specialist on uyutnenko couch. But do not forget about caution banal. Especially in this age of high technology and questionable anonymity. After all, most people have no idea that their favorite (and even bought on credit) smartphone is able to:

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1. Recognize what you type on your computer

The phone can "understand" what you type on the computer.
The phone can "understand" what you type on the computer.

Secrecy of correspondence is no longer a mystery. Even if you carefully cleans the whole story on a home computer and remove the provocative messages from social networks, their content may be still available to one "witness" - a smartphone. Especially if you're like most people, permanently leave it on the desk next to the computer.

It is better not to leave the phone on the table next to the laptop.
It is better not to leave the phone on the table next to the laptop.

No banal "wiretapping", everything is much more elegant: it is enough just to plant the device in a small virus that have access to accelerometer. Smart with a good accelerometer can sense the slightest vibration surface. And advanced algorithm calculates how the buttons on the keyboard corresponding to each vibration. The accuracy of text recognition - more than 80%. And well, if this information falls into the hands of just jealous second half. So it is always better to leave the phone away from your computer.

2. "Merge" your credit card details via WI-FI

Do not do any monetary transactions using public wi-fi.
Do not do any monetary transactions using public wi-fi.

We decided to do online shopping, sitting somewhere in a cozy coffee shop? Not a good idea. Seriously, even a mobile account it is better not to fill up. In any case, using public WI-FI. Because all passwords-turnout from your smartphone can fall into the hands of a competent administrator wireless network. Free internet - a thing, of course, good. But if you can do without it, it is best to do so.

3. And at the same time "contactless" data stealing other people's bank cards

Smartfony- "scanners" bank cards do exist.

Smartfony- "scanners" bank cards do exist.

Old board in a new way: Keep your money in a savings bank, a bank card - in the deepest corner of the bag and a purse of thick leather. And it is better to lead or even foil. Joke. But that is not a reason for humor, so it's smart phones with NFC, which can potentially scan all data from foreign payment card.

Just enough to pull over for a moment to the owner of the card ...
Just enough to pull over for a moment to the owner of the card ...

Just enough to "accidentally" lean against the man on the subway or push him in the street. A couple of seconds at a close distance will be enough to smartfon- "Scanner" removed all data from the card, which is the victim in his pocket. Small consolation: while at risk only contactless cards such as PayPass. But there still will be?

4. Do spy photos without your knowledge

Careful with third-party applications for the photo.
Careful with third-party applications for the photo.

Be careful with the applications for the photo: some of them may become the cause of robbery. With access to the camera, the most advanced of the "spy" programs can make detailed images without your knowledge, combining them into a panorama, and even 3D-maps, and then sent to a third-party cloud store.

PlaceRaider program can collect pieces of random images in whole detailed panoramas.
PlaceRaider program can collect pieces of random images in whole detailed panoramas.

As a result, in the hands of hackers may be detailed map of your apartment with all the values ​​and the well-known geolocation. And this preparation for the robbery never dreamed of any of the Ocean's 13.

5. Pump out your personal details and photos through a "fake" chargers

"Strangers" chargers can download your files.
"Strangers" chargers can download your files.

Dolled smartphone - the tragedy of the 21st century. Especially if the battery is treacherously "village" at the time of exciting tours or long, boring trips on public transport. In this case, find a free "public" charging somewhere in a cafe or at the station seem a gift from heaven. But do not hurry to rejoice.

Use chargers in public places only as a last resort.
Use chargers in public places only as a last resort.

Today appeared on the market a lot "False" chargers for smartphones. No, with his direct responsibility, they also manage. But with each new battery percentage quietly pumps with a smart personal data, including chat rooms, and the entire collection of selfie in the bathroom. So be careful and do not connect the phone to the first that fell cord.

In the continuation of "espionage" topics, which may introduce stress any paranoid - 8 suspected cases, when in any time can not pay by credit card.

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