On small household plots, there is always not enough space for all vegetables, fruits, trees, shrubs, and greenery. Sometimes there is no room for just a pile of compost. And zucchini occupy especially large areas, because the spread of the leaves, and the fruits themselves, are very large.
But there is one way that will help you get a good harvest of these vegetable giants and at the same time save space for other crops.
Grass, residual soil and weeds should be put in sugar bags. You can also use film bags. All waste must be stratified with a mixture of sawdust and nitrophoska (20 grams per bucket). Then the bags need to be tied with a rope or twine. Now all the bags need to either be laid along the fence mesh, or placed vertically - this will depend on the sunlight.
Since the site along the perimeter of the fence is much more often overgrown with weeds, slugs appear there. They do not allow the seedlings to grow and simply destroy them. The bags should be placed half a meter apart and left to rot. After a couple of years, excellent compost forms. Weeds in such a confined space with air access quickly rot and generate heat. In the process, the earth will begin to settle. Holes should be made in the bottom of the bag so that the water does not stagnate at the bottom. In open areas, the bags can be stacked on their side. When space becomes free in the bags, you need to pour a layer of fertile soil, about 10 centimeters, on top, and plant seeds or seedlings of zucchini, and then water.
In a poorly lit place, the bags can be installed vertically. In order to prevent them from falling in strong wind or rain, they must be attached with wire to a mesh or fence. When the weather is sunny, the film will heat up and the temperature in the bags will rise. The advantage of this method is that zucchini can be planted a couple of weeks earlier than in the beds.
At a height of about 50 centimeters from the ground, the plants will not be deprived of lighting, and the roots will be warm and comfortable. But nevertheless, when the cold weather returns, it is necessary to provide protection for the leaves. For example, use cut water bottles of 3 or 5 liters for this purpose. The bottom of the bottle should be buried 2 centimeters into the soil, and a stick should be inserted into the neck. The other end of the stick will need to be secured in the ground. If the spring is warm, then you can sow zucchini seeds already in early May.
After the seeds are sown, you need to stretch the nonwoven fabric, leaving a space of 20 centimeters between the material and the ground. The next step is to cover the bags with foil and secure it. This type of shelter will protect the plants from heat and cold. If you cover only with a film, then this can lead to the fact that the plants will burn.
After 2 weeks, the shelter must be removed, and the seedlings must be transplanted one by one into the remaining bags, choosing the largest ones. Zucchini should be watered more often, about 3 times a week. And in order to prevent moisture evaporation, you need to mulch the surface of the earth with grass. This way, no crust will form on the surface of the soil and you will not have to loosen it.
The advantage of this method is that zucchini, planted high from the usual soil, practically do not get sick with root rot and other fungal diseases. They are also well ventilated, and can bear fruit until the middle of the first autumn month.
Based on experience, 1-2 fruits ripen in bags. You need to shoot zucchini when their bark begins to harden, this happens in September. Such fruits can be stored until the New Year holidays.
An additional advantage of this technique is the decomposition of all weeds, which eliminates weeding, as well as turning soil into humus, which can be used to grow seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, or eggplant. If freshly cut dandelions and soil are added to the bags instead of the settled land, then tomatoes, peppers or loofah can be grown in them next year.
You can also adapt to growing vegetables in polyethylene bags, only for this purpose use two bags. It is best to take black plastic bags, as they do not transmit light, heat better and retain heat.
Read also: We make a bed from a bottle. We grow cucumbers in 5 liter bottles
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