Diseases and pests on cabbage: signs, control measures

  • Aug 22, 2021
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Even minor damage appearing on cabbage due to insect pests or the development of infections leads to a loss of marketability. To save the harvest, it is necessary to carry out protective and therapeutic measures in a timely manner.

Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Pests affecting cabbage

The following types of harmful insects may appear on cabbage plantings:

  • Cabbage aphid. A small light green insect with a body length of 2-2.5 mm feeds on plant sap. Damaged leaves turn yellow. Heads of cabbage are formed loose and small. During the season, up to 16 generations of dangerous aphids can appear.
  • Cruciferous bugs. Adult black insects with a bluish tint on the body reach 6-10 mm in length. Pests from cabbage suck juice. In places of damage, light marks appear. The leaves turn yellow and begin to wilt.
  • Cruciferous fleas. You can notice jumping miniature beetles about 2-4 mm long on a black body with longitudinal yellow stripes. Adult insects gnaw small holes in the leaves. The larvae that appear in the soil damage the roots.
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  • Stem hidden proboscis. Larvae cause harm to cabbage. They eat the passages inside the stems. Plants do not develop well and then dry out.
  • Cabbage moth. The green larvae of the pest (their length does not exceed 12 mm) feed on leaves. Light marks appear from the inside out, which then turn into holes.
  • Cabbage whitefish. The yellowish-green caterpillars of this large white butterfly cause significant harm. They eat the leaf plates from the edges.
  • White turnip. Bright green caterpillars of this butterfly with a longitudinal yellowish stripe on the back settle on the upper plane of the leaves, gnawing holes in them. During the growing season, 2-3 generations of the pest can develop.
  • Cabbage scoop. The danger is represented by thick larvae eating deep passages filled with excrement in the emerging cabbage heads. Forks rot after being damaged by moisture.
  • Rape sawfly. Larvae, grayish green with dark stripes, severely damage cabbage leaves.
  • Cabbage fly. There are spring and summer insect species. The larvae of the pest cause great damage to the roots. This leads to the drying out and death of the plants.
  • Cruciferous gall midge. The pests of this harmful insect settle in the lower sector of the petioles. The leaves begin to deform, and the apical bud gradually dies off.
Pests on cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Pests on cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Types of cabbage diseases

A variety of infections (bacterial, fungal, viral) cause serious harm to the emerging heads of cabbage:

  • Blackleg. It affects cabbage seedlings. The root collar becomes brown or black. The stems are bent. Young plants lodge and then dry up.
  • Keela. A dangerous fungal disease manifests itself in the form of growths on the roots, which leads to their weakening and decay. The plant is unable to absorb moisture, so no heads of cabbage form.
  • Peronosporosis. The harm from downy mildew to cabbage is the appearance of yellowish marks on the upper plane of the leaves. A grayish-white bloom appears on the seamy side. Plants turn yellow and then die off.
  • Alternaria With the development of black spot on the leaves, you can notice dark, rounded spots, which gradually increase and become covered with black spores of the fungus.
  • Fusarium. This disease is especially dangerous for cabbage during storage. The forks are covered with mucus, rot, soften. Humid weather during the maturation period of the heads of cabbage promotes infection.
  • Vascular bacteriosis. Mainly vascular vessels are affected. Leaves turn yellow in the direction from the edges. Then they start to dry out. The surface shrinks, the fabrics become transparent.
  • Wet bacterial rot. Disease-causing bacteria penetrate the lesions, causing the stored heads to rot.
  • Black annular spot. This viral infection manifests itself as greenish-brown marks on the leaves that dry out quickly. The development of heads of cabbage slows down.
  • Mosaic. Cauliflower mosaic virus develops more often. Young leaves become wrinkled. Plants slow down development and do not form inflorescences.

Prevention and control measures

To obtain strong, healthy, high-quality cabbage heads, a system of protective and therapeutic procedures should be followed:

  • Cabbage is planted on the previous garden bed no earlier than 3 years later.
  • To prevent the development of diseases, it is recommended to warm the seeds. They are immersed in water for 20 minutes, which is heated to +50 ° C. Then they are quickly cooled with cold water.
  • Additionally, before sowing, cabbage grains are soaked in a solution of "Immunocytophyte", "Epin". You can use "Fitosporin", "Humisol". The work is performed in accordance with the instructions.
  • In order to prevent black leg, young shoots are watered with potassium permanganate, preparing a pink solution. The procedures are practiced at two-week intervals.
  • Seedlings are carefully examined before moving to the ridges. Weak, dying, diseased plants are discarded.
  • If a cabbage fly was seen on the site, it is necessary to treat the surface of the ridges with Bazudin after transplanting the seedlings. Consumption - 10 g / 10 m2.
  • When populations of aphids, caterpillars, cruciferous fleas appear, insecticides are used to irrigate plantings: "Fufanon", "Iskra Double Effect", "Senpai". You can use "Knockdown", "Iskra-M", "Inta-Vir".
  • To protect cabbage from slugs, treatment, starting from the third decade of May, is carried out with "Metaldehyde", copper (0.5%) vitriol. The soil in the beds is sprinkled with sand, sawdust.
  • From various pests, after the beginning of the development of cabbage forks, biological products are used for irrigation, for example, "Akarin", "Fitoverm", "Lepidotsid". Good results are demonstrated by Bitoxibacillin, Iskra-Bio, Agravertin.
  • From cruciferous fleas, plants are pollinated with sifted ash or tobacco dust. You can combine these drugs in equal proportions.

Leaves with traces of disease are cut off in a timely manner. With a strong defeat, the whole plant is dug up. All parts with traces of infections are burned. For medicinal purposes, cabbage is irrigated with Abiga-Peak or Oxyhoma solution. Colloidal sulfur can be used.

When organizing events to reduce the harm to cabbage from diseases or pests, it is important to follow the system.

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