Why only fools sheathe a house with siding. 4 reasons to prove this is terrible material

  • Aug 28, 2021

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Construction has been developing and improving over the years. Manufacturers annually release their new materials to the markets, which look very stylish, neat, modern. Unfortunately, the quality of materials cannot be judged by their "appearance". Beautiful cover often hides low quality.

In today's article, I decided to talk about siding. Today, it is one of the most popular and inexpensive building materials. However, I do not recommend saving on this, otherwise the problems will then have to be "raked" for a very long time.

My neighbor has sheathed his country house with siding and has regretted it many times. And now about everything in more detail.

What are the disadvantages of siding?

1. Very nlow strength

Vinyl is a very fragile material and many people know this. In pursuit of savings, most developers include budget siding in the overall construction budget. But the quality of work suffers from this. The siding façade soon becomes covered with dents, cracks and other defects.

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Siding is so fragile that it can deteriorate without outside interference. For example, in the autumn and winter months, when the temperature "jumps", the material simply bursts. Due to any, even the most insignificant reason, defects appear on the vinyl. Therefore, I strongly advise against sheathing houses with siding. You will save once, but then you will have to spend twice the amount on the rework.

2.Low fire resistance

It seems to me that a high fire hazard is the first characteristic that should alert you. When exposed to fire, the siding begins to smoke heavily. It emits a toxic odor into the atmosphere, which can cause suffocation. If the risk of fire in a building is increased, it is not worth sheathing with siding.

3.Lack of silence in the house

If the house is sheathed with quality siding, it will dull the sounds that come from outside. But the iron siding does not extinguish extraneous sounds. Of course, you can make isolation, but it will not save much either. Plus, when heated in the sun, the siding crackles very irritatingly.


From a distance, a house with a siding facade looks pretty decent. But from a close distance, all the flaws, slopes, connectors and other elements characteristic of the cladding become clearly visible.

There is not so much choice of siding colors on the market. If you want something rich, you should opt for acrylic planks with a PVC base.

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