How and with what you can seal the hole around the chimney so that water does not leak

  • Sep 01, 2021

Water must not be allowed to flow between the roof and the chimney. Renovation using ordinary cement mortar does not bode well. Most likely, such isolation will not be able to survive the coming winter. In order to make isolation literally for centuries, you will have to approach the solution of the problem "creatively" and modify the popular composition with the help of available means.

First, we clean the chimney from the old composition. / Photo:
First, we clean the chimney from the old composition. / Photo:
First, we clean the chimney from the old composition. / Photo:

What you need: sand, cement, tile adhesive, plasticizer, fiberglass

Clean the pipe insulation before touching it. First, absolutely all traces of the old sealant are removed from the roof and chimney. The main assistant in this difficult matter will, of course, be a metal brush. Only after that we begin to prepare a new advanced solution.

We mix the dry solution with a plasticizer. / Photo:
We mix the dry solution with a plasticizer. / Photo:
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Mix cement, sand and tile adhesive in equal parts. Having collected all of the above in one container, mix thoroughly while still dry, adding fiber to the future composition. As the fiber is added, we continue to mix the composition so that all the ingredients are distributed as evenly as possible. Only after that we add water, turning the mixture into a solution. Along the way, we add a specialized plasticizer that can be replaced with a detergent.

We make a liquid solution. / Photo:
We make a liquid solution. / Photo:

The solution is ready. You can start to insulate the chimney. To do this, we go to the roof and first put the composition around, so as to completely block the existing hole. Then we make a gentle slope from the solution so that water does not accumulate on the chimney. That, in fact, is all. It remains to wait until the composition dries and hardens.

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We apply to the place of insulation. / Photo:
We apply to the place of insulation. / Photo:

Continuing the topic, read about how to make an efficient garage heating stove from old batteries.
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