The riddle of Al Naslaa: who split in half a giant stone with "laser" precision

  • Sep 03, 2021
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In Saudi Arabia, southeast of the city of Tambuk, you can find the mysterious stone Al Nasalaa, which has been causing heated debate among connoisseurs and amateurs on the Internet for more than a year. A specific location, rock paintings, and most importantly - in fact, a perfectly flat spread of the stone on two halves makes people build the most insane theories about the origin of this Attraction.

There are drawings on the stones. / Photo:
There are drawings on the stones. / Photo:
There are drawings on the stones. / Photo:

The Al Naslaa stone with a perfectly smooth cut was simply doomed to give rise to numerous conspiracy theories and versions that it was a gift from more advanced civilizations. Well, those very civilizations that were so ancient that not a trace remained of them. And they were also so developed that out of idleness they cut sandstone stones with a thick laser from 1.5-2 fists. But seriously, there are only three adequate versions of the appearance of Al Naslaa. And yes, the "Secret World Government" paid for this article, just don't tell anyone (just kidding).

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Apparently this is a horse. / Photo:
Apparently this is a horse. / Photo:

The first version - the stone is a modern remake. The simplest, but also the most believable. It's not that Saudi Arabia doesn't have any sights at all... But there are known problems with those that could be seen right off the bat on a tourist postcard. In any case, for people who are not interested in the history of the region and the history of Islam. Needless to say, modern instruments (and without any superlasers) do a great job not only with sandstone.


Sometimes nature itself creates amazing things. / Photo:
Sometimes nature itself creates amazing things. / Photo:

The second version - the stone was really made in antiquity for some kind of religious purposes. Here are just used for this quite normal tools of ancestors. You know, with the help of water and a bow saw, as well as a large number of free man-hours (for example, in form of slave power) The ancient Egyptians did an excellent job of sawing perfectly flat blocks from granite.

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There are many mysterious people in nature. / Photo:
There are many mysterious people in nature. / Photo:

The third version - the stone appeared as a result of the influence of natural processes. It can be difficult to believe in this if you do not know what miracles nature is capable of. For example, in the White Desert of Egypt, you can see no less mysterious stone mushrooms. And they only appeared due to the influence of the wind!

Continuing the topic, read about
7 forgotten cities in the world that still attract with their secrets and greatness.
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