While redoing the electrical panel at the dacha, I discovered that there were automatic machines with the inscriptions "G 16A" in the old panel.
There were three such submachine guns in the dashboard. Siemens model 5SQ11.
I put them in those distant times, when I still did not know that the machines have different characteristics.
These machines came with some kind of computer class. It was around 1993. They were lying around for a long time, and then I took them for myself and used them in the country.
In any articles about circuit breakers, you can read that there are characteristics (categories) A, B, C, D, K, Z.
upd.: Thank you m_a_x_im for a link to an article where such an automaton was disassembled: https://nemetzelectro.wordpress.com/2015/11/27/автоматический-выключатель-5sq-от-siemens/, and the outlandish category G turned out to be similar to C: the cut-off current multiplicity for G is 6.4-9.6 (for C 5-10).
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