Zelenka and iodine for spraying tomatoes

  • Sep 11, 2021

When growing tomatoes, many gardeners were faced with the fact that sometimes they could not harvest a good harvest. Most often, crops are affected by pests and bacteria that completely destroy the fruits. In the fight against parasites, many means are used. But many do not turn to such simple medicines as iodine and brilliant green.

Spraying tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Spraying tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Spraying tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Norms and dosages

Iodine and brilliant green have antiseptic effects. Before processing tomatoes, carefully study the dosage and proportions of the solutions.

First of all, you need to decide on the purpose of the procedure. If you want to get rid of phytophthora, then use one concentration, and for preventive purposes you need a completely different recipe.

The basic rate is 45-50 ml of medication per bucket of liquid. For prophylactic treatments, a solution is used in the proportion of 10 ml of the product per 10 liters of liquid.

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How to properly process tomatoes

For the correct spraying of tomatoes with iodine and brilliant green, you need to know about the purpose of the treatment.

As a top dressing

With the help of iodine and brilliant green, the yield and development of tomatoes are increased. Medicines replenish the soil with fluorine, potassium and copper. Their deficiency in crops can be determined by some signs: the color of tomatoes fades, the stems become thin, and spots appear on the leaves.

The first feeding is done during the period of planting seedlings in a garden bed or in a greenhouse. If iodine is used, the proportion should be as follows: milk (1 liter) and eight drops of iodine. The dairy product helps to improve the positive effect of iodine and forms a nutrient film on the culture. Zelenka is used in the ratio of 5 ml of the product to 1 liter of liquid.

For preventive purposes, tomatoes are sprayed once every one and a half to two weeks, unconcentrated compositions: 10 ml per bucket of liquid - for brilliant green and 5 ml of product for a 10-liter bucket of water - for iodine. Spraying tomatoes in a greenhouse building is carried out less often than in a garden bed, so that an excessive concentration of the agent does not form in the soil.

Observe soil moisture levels near fertilized crops. Dry soil can be drained more strongly due to treatment with iodine and brilliant green, and in too moist solutions will help the appearance of fungus. So keep the soil moisture at the proper level.

Do not overdo it with feeding crops, because from an overabundance of funds on plants, burns can occur, and the crop will die. In addition, after processing tomatoes with iodine, do not stay in the greenhouse for a long time: the emitted vapors harm humans.

Spraying tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Spraying tomatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

In the fight against disease

From the diseases that have arisen, the affected culture must be lubricated with the composition daily. Medicines are stirred in water in a ratio of 1: 2 and the leaves and stem are coated every day. Basically, the disease begins to subside after the first procedure.

Preventive measures against late blight

This is the most common and dangerous disease among tomatoes.

Phytophtore is not afraid of either frost or heat. Preventive work should be carried out in the autumn period as soon as you harvest the crop. To do this, add brilliant green (50 ml) to water (10 l) and treat the area. This procedure will help to avoid contamination of the seedlings in the spring.

Spraying on time will help protect crops from late blight. For preventive purposes, the procedure is performed three times.

A solution of brilliant green (45 ml / 10 l of liquid) is used for spraying:

  1. At the stage of growing seedlings.
  2. During planting in a greenhouse or in an open area.
  3. After the formation of young leaves.

The procedures are performed on hot and dry days.

If preventive measures could not help, and late blight still appeared on tomatoes, then process the bushes every week. Remove damaged leaves and shoots from plants.

Disinfect the soil with a solution of brilliant green, 60-70 ml of the product per 10 liters of liquid. Water the beds every 3-4 days.

Read also: Effective natural ways to combat cabbage caterpillar

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#spraying tomatoes#brilliant green and iodine#tomato