Autumn grafting of apple trees: features and rules

  • Sep 20, 2021
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Vaccination is an effective agricultural technique that solves several problems at once. It has a beneficial effect on yield indicators, is able to rejuvenate the plant and improve the taste characteristics of the fruit. Many gardeners are afraid of this procedure because of its complexity. However, if you choose the right time and follow the recommendations, new branches will easily take root in apple trees.

Apple tree grafting. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Apple tree grafting. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Apple tree grafting. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

What apple grafting gives

Vaccination is not included in the list of mandatory procedures for caring for fruit trees. If, nevertheless, the vaccine is carried out, you can evaluate a number of its positive features:

  • Rejuvenation of trees. With the age of the tree, a decrease in yield may be observed, and the quality of the fruit also becomes worse. To neutralize the negative influence of time, old branches are disposed of by grafting fresh cuttings to them. So the apple tree gets a strong base and young twigs, which will actively bear fruit.
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  • Cultivation of the wild, which is characterized by small and sour fruits. However, such trees are characterized by good resistance to cold weather. In order to preserve this feature and, at the same time, improve the characteristics of the fruits, the wild is inoculated with branches of cultivated species.
  • The ability to grow more varieties with fewer trees. This is especially true for small areas.
  • With the help of grafting, it is possible to grow varieties that are not intended for the climatic conditions of a particular region.
  • Restoration of apple trees damaged by rodents or frost.

Timing of vaccination

The best time for the procedure is spring. After all, it is at this time that the trees come to life and the most important processes of sap flow are launched. The tissues are actively growing. Therefore, the grafted branches will easily take root, and the tree will have time to gain strength before the onset of cold weather.

Spring grafting is recommended for all climatic regions. The exact dates are selected depending on the characteristics of the climate.

In theory, vaccination can also be carried out in the fall and even in winter at home.

Graft. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Graft. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Pros and cons of autumn vaccination

When vaccinating in the autumn, a number of positive features can be noted:

  • With the arrival of autumn, comfortable weather sets in: the exhausting summer heat is gone, and the cold has not yet arrived. It is in early autumn that it is as comfortable as possible to carry out work in the garden.
  • If spring vaccinations do not take root, autumn is a second chance to correct the situation.

Along with the obvious features, autumn pruning has its drawbacks:

  • If early cold weather comes, some percentage of vaccinations may not take root until winter.
  • New buds and shoots will begin to form only in the next spring season.
  • In autumn, plant tissues grow together somewhat more slowly than in spring.
  • In the autumn, it is important to carefully select the methods of vaccination.

Rules and timing of autumn vaccinations

The exact time of vaccination will depend on the climatic characteristics of the region. The main thing is to have time to plant trees at least twenty days before the onset of cold weather. September is the most favorable time for the autumn vaccination. You can inoculate at this time by any method. In October, however, it is necessary to abandon budding.

Autumn grafting is most suitable for trees that are three years old. Adults are less likely to be successful with the vaccine.

When choosing the time for vaccinations, it is also important to be guided by the weather conditions. It is good if the street is cloudy, but dry without rain. The procedure is carried out in the morning or evening.

How to choose a stock

The best option for grafting would be varieties that are recommended for cultivation in a particular region. The trees should be strong, they should not be damaged or deformed, such as growths, cracks in the bark, and others.

Apple tree grafting. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Apple tree grafting. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The branches to which the shoots will be grafted must also be strong and healthy.

It is also recommended to choose apple trees as a rootstock for apple branches. The chances of a successful vaccination in this case reach one hundred percent.

Gardeners often use other garden crops for rootstock:

  • Rowan. It is preferable to choose red-fruited species. As a result of this grafting, the fruits on the apple tree will become smaller and acquire a sour taste.
  • Quince. It is used as a scion, but the chances of success are not very high.
  • Pear. This option takes root pretty well.

How to choose a scion

As a scion, shoots or buds of trees that have already borne fruit are recommended. The branches should be healthy and even, without signs of disease. At least two live buds are left on the scion.

The graft must be cut sharply so that the cut is perfectly flat. Cuttings are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. The buds are cut along with pieces of bark.

Apple grafting methods

The most common methods of vaccination are:

  • Budding is a method used in the last decade of August or early September. It consists in a kidney inoculation. The kidney is grafted onto a T-shaped cut. The selected area is cleaned of dust, an incision is made on the bark of the stock with the letter "T". A vertical notch is made at 3 cm, horizontal - 1.5 cm. The scion width must be environmentally friendly. Pieces of the rootstock bark are pushed apart by inserting the buds of the scion into this hole. Pieces of bark are connected and wrapped in foil.
  • Copulation is a fairly simple method. The scion and rootstock diameters must be equal for this procedure. Sections are tightly connected and wrapped with garden tape. To carry out the grafting method by copulation, an oblique cut up to four centimeters long is made on the stock. The lower end of the scion is cut obliquely for complete coincidence with the stock. The scion must have at least three buds. The place of contact between the scion and the rootstock is tightly wrapped. The open parts of the cuts are necessarily treated with garden varnish.
  • Splitting method. The coincidence of the diameters of the scion and rootstock in this case is not so important. With a large difference in diameters, several rootstocks are grafted per plant.

If you follow the rules, choose the right time and provide further care, the vaccine will be successful.

Read also: Stimulating the growth of tomatoes and peppers with iodine solution

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#apple grafting#features of vaccination#autumn