How to get rid of spider mites in greenhouse - tips

  • Dec 24, 2019

Spider mite - one of the formidable pest of many plant species. It feeds on the cellular sap, disturbing vital processes vegetable and ornamental crops. In addition, he is a carrier of fungal and viral infections. If you do not begin to deal with spider mites in time, they can destroy all the seedlings and even mature plants.

Spider mite - a formidable pest of many plants. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Spider mite - a formidable pest of many plants. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Signs of plants

The presence of parasites detected simply. On leaves appear whitish spots point. These are the places to which the parasites attach themselves and by powerful mouthparts are removed nutritious juices. In severe cases the leaves rapidly fade, and then dry out.

On the shoots appear thin gossamer on which move small (0.5-0.8 mm in diameter) the individual gray-green or brown in color. Females more often settle along the veins on the back side of lamina and lay eggs.

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Under favorable conditions (temperature + 25... + 28 ° C and low air humidity - 30-40%) mature larva for 3-4 days. At a temperature of +14... + 16 ° C the egg matures about 2 weeks. This point is important to consider when drawing up a chemical treatment plant schedule.

In autumn the majority of the females is looking for a place for wintering and moving in the nooks greenhouses. They leave the plant, because at that time did not eat. In the heat of summer females and hide in the shelter, so pickling plants does not always guarantee the complete destruction of the parasite.

How to deal with spider mites?

Noticing the first signs of defeat, wash sprouts and leafy plate with tap water. Add soap or other detergents are not recommended: because they clog the pores on the leaves.

Obstacles should be washed with a solution of green or soap.

Infected bushes should be isolated and subjected to complex processing. You can arrange a «bath»: spray the plant with water to moisten the soil well, then cover with a transparent package. This is not to put the pot in the sun. High humidity (80-90%) is detrimental for the larvae and adult ticks, but lay their eggs on this procedure will not be affected.

The next step - Treatment by chemical means, acaricides. These include:

  • "Anti-mite" (non-toxic to plants, approved for use in greenhouses);
  • "Flumajta" (toxic agent, it is not often used than 1 time per month);
  • "Aktellik" (re-treatment is carried out after 2 weeks);
  • "Skelta" (larvae die within 4-5 days, adults - a week);
  • "Neoron" (copes well with mites, their larvae and eggs);
  • "Fitoverm" (less toxic biopesticide).

A single application of funds is inefficient, require re-treatment, and sometimes 3-4.

Chemical agents are better for alternating, because pests adapt quickly to one drug.

If you do not begin to deal with spider mites in time, they can destroy all the seedlings and even mature plants. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
If you do not begin to deal with spider mites in time, they can destroy all the seedlings and even mature plants. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Traditional methods of dealing less effective, but it is possible to test such agents in the initial steps of:

  • The infusion of garlic. To prepare the means to grind two heads of garlic, sugar and 1 liter of boiled cold water, and then close the press in a dark place for 5-6 days. Plants treated with tincture of pulverizer previously diluting it in equal parts water.
  • Onion infusion. 100 g of husk pour 5 liters of water and soaking for 5 days. Filtered infusion abundantly irrigate all plant parts.
  • Ammonia. Solution (1 teaspoon to 1 liter of water) can be sprayed weekly shoots and foliage.


Get rid of the spider mite is much more difficult than to prevent its occurrence. Should stick to simple recommendations:

  • Brought into the house first seedlings quarantine.
  • Cultivate the soil before planting seedlings.
  • All the plants are inspected regularly.
  • Ensure optimal conditions for the plants in the greenhouse (normal temperature and high humidity).
  • For prevention sometimes apply hydrogen peroxide (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).
  • You can sprinkle the planting of tobacco dust.
  • When fertilization to take into account that nitrogen promotes the growth of colonies of mites.
Growers claim that the spider mite deters calendula. It is useful to plant next to the eggplant, peppers or cucumbers.

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