Why die seedlings. eight errors gardener

  • Dec 24, 2019
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When qualified digging and planting the percentage of waste is minimal. However, even the best seedling can ruin non-compliance with the rules of landing. Consider the 8 most common mistakes gardener.

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Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Planting in haste

Inexperienced gardeners dig planting hole just before planting. In this case, the soil does not have time to settle down. Thus planted shrub or tree will grow slowly or even die. Dig a planting hole should be 2 weeks before the planned landings, and make it all the necessary fertilizers.

Burying the root collar

Excessive penetration may lead to the fact that podopreet bark at the base of the trunk, and the plant will die or be severely stunted. Especially dangerous penetration for fruit trees and raspberry, their root collar should be at ground level, otherwise the plant will die.

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incorrect transport

Inadequate transportation to the place of sale or after your purchase is strongly influenced by the further development of the plants. To prevent drying of the root system of plants is necessary to wrap a damp cloth. Also, when transporting a large number of plants should place them so that they do not hurt each other.

dense plantation

When planting seedlings need to consider the size of adult plants and to keep the distance between landings. Otherwise adult plants begin to compete with each other for water and nutrients, the larger specimens are shaded those smaller.

Thickened planting seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Thickened planting seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

unjustified saving

Buying discounted items or purchasing seedlings from untested sellers gardener risks not get the expected. Seedling can be poorly developed or another variety. In the worst cases, together with the seedling can be brought to the site of disease or pests.

wrong watering

The root system of the tree is located on the perimeter of the crown. Therefore, gardeners, watering seedlings under the trunk, make a mistake. When watering is necessary to withdraw about 0.5-1 m from the trunk. The most successful one to excavate a shallow groove about 1 m in diameter around the tree and producing watering thereon.

Invalid watering seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Invalid watering seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

thoughtless cropping

Some gardeners neglect pruning rules. Trying to save time, they produce massive pruning of branches at a time. In this case, the tree is injured as massive branch in the fall hurts more fragile. In addition, there is a big slice through which the infection can penetrate. Massive pruning of branches should be done in stages. First, the side shoots are removed, then the tip, and after that it removed the branch itself. The cut to be processed without fail.

Inflated pesticide dose

In an effort to quickly deal with pests or diseases, some growers increase the concentration of the drug. However, this leads to leaf burns or reduced yields. In some cases, it overestimated the dose of chemicals leads to the fact that the plants die.

Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru


Should buy seedlings only in specialty stores or from approved vendors. If highly kilned plant roots before planting they should be soaked for 20 hours in cold water.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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Read more: How to harden the seedlings before planting - Tips cottagers