5 domestic fighters that make the country's air defense one of the best in the world

  • Oct 15, 2021
Since the First World War, the role of aviation on the battlefield has only grown. With the advent of jet aircraft, it became finally clear that the future of the armed forces will be largely tied to the development of air weapons. It is for this reason that it is critically important for each state to have reliable air defense, a significant part of which is traditionally fighter aircraft. Today we will focus on the best domestic samples.
Since the First World War, the role of aviation on the battlefield has only grown. With the advent of jet aircraft, it became finally clear that the future of the armed forces will be largely tied to the development of air weapons. It is for this reason that it is critically important for each state to have reliable air defense, a significant part of which is traditionally fighter aircraft. Today we will focus on the best domestic samples.
Since the First World War, the role of aviation on the battlefield has only grown. With the advent of jet aircraft, it became finally clear that the future of the armed forces will be largely tied to the development of air weapons. It is for this reason that it is critically important for each state to have reliable air defense, a significant part of which is traditionally fighter aircraft. Today we will focus on the best domestic samples.

1. MiG-35

The workhorse of the VKS. | Photo: rama909.livejournal.com.
The workhorse of the VKS. | Photo: rama909.livejournal.com.
The workhorse of the VKS. | Photo: rama909.livejournal.com.
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One of the most modern and technically sophisticated fighters in the world. Many experts put the MiG-35 among the best combat aircraft in Russia. The machine is equipped with the most modern equipment, and composite materials are widely used in its construction. Modern avionics allows the MiG-35 to solve combat missions of any level of complexity, and an advanced electronic warfare system ensures the aircraft's high survivability. Despite the fact that in the Aerospace Forces the MiG-35 is primarily positioned as a reinforcement for the more advanced Su-57, even in splendid isolation this aircraft remains a serious enemy.

2. Su-57

The plane that knows no equal. | Photo: news2.ru.
The plane that knows no equal. | Photo: news2.ru.

Today, it is the 57th that is recognized by all specialists as the best Russian fighter. The fifth generation vehicle is well known primarily due to the fact that it is capable of carrying hypersonic weapons - the Dagger missile. Among other armament delights there is also the Drill air bomb. However, the primary task of the Su-57 is still the conquest of air supremacy, and not striking ground targets. And most importantly, today the 57th is equipped with the world's best thrust vector control system, which qualitatively distinguishes it among Chinese and American counterparts.

3. MiG-31

Great car. | Photo: cezarium.com.
Great car. | Photo: cezarium.com.

The Foxhound is still a formidable foe for the aircraft of its most likely enemy. The machine is not half as flexible and versatile as those mentioned above, however, the task of the 31st is assigned an extremely narrow one - the work of a fighter-interceptor. Today, the MiG-31 is equipped with one of the world's best radar systems. In addition, the 31st is also the absolute record for the speed of movement among interceptors - 2.5 thousand km / h.

4. Su-35

Still in service. | Photo: goodfon.ru.
Still in service. | Photo: goodfon.ru.

The main lover of the "game of hide and seek" among domestic fighter planes. Thanks to its advanced stealth technology, the Su-35 is the least visible Russian aircraft for detection systems. Together with long-range missiles, all this makes the Su-35 an extremely dangerous adversary. In addition, the 35 is still one of the fastest and most well-controlled (including in combat) aircraft in the world. The machine uses a thrust vector control system similar to that of the Su-57.

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5. Su-27

The workhorse of the VKS. ¦Photo: 4esnok.by.
The workhorse of the VKS. ¦Photo: 4esnok.by.

Finally, one cannot but recall another famous "Sukhoi". Today this vehicle is used in the Su-27SM2 ​​modification. Compared to its Soviet predecessor, the Russian aircraft can carry three tons more payload. The aircraft cannot boast of exceptionally outstanding combat and speed characteristics, and therefore is used as a support tool for other combat vehicles. At the same time, the Su-27 is quite cheap, which makes it the "black horse" of the Russian Air Force.

If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should definitely read about
how in the USSR they tried to create an airplane for an air ram, and why he did not go into the series.
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