How the domestic Lebedev pistol is superior to the imported Glock

  • Oct 24, 2021
How the domestic Lebedev pistol is superior to the imported Glock

Austrian pistols "Glock" were originally created for the needs of their own army. However, the development turned out to be so successful at one time that it was quickly exported and by the 1980s it had rapidly captured the world market. Until now, Glock pistols hold the title of one of the best in the world. Of course, gunsmiths in other countries try to keep up and give their own answer. The Russian Lebedev pistol is constantly compared with the Austrian product. Not everyone knows, but the domestic version even surpasses its foreign counterpart in some ways.

Glock is used all over the world. | Photo:
Glock is used all over the world. | Photo:
Glock is used all over the world. | Photo:

Russia was able to convince itself of the importance of its own military development on its own bitter historical experience, when, after the outbreak of the First World War and the first battles, it turned out that for millions of mobilized soldiers there were not enough rifles. As a result, I had to buy from partners in a dangerous business from among the representatives of the Entente. In Soviet times, the bitter experience of tsarist Russia was analyzed in the most careful way, and therefore the utmost attention was paid to military development. It was only after 1991 that a significant part of the created infrastructure, if not destroyed, was certainly torn apart.

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Glocks are also used in Russia. | Photo:
Glocks are also used in Russia. | Photo:

All this led to the fact that, having its own and very successful development of even pistols, Russia for a long time could not launch them into mass production for the needs of the army and police structures. Hence such things as the purchase of imported "Glocks" for special units of the country. The Lebedev Pistol has been known for a long time, although it was officially presented only at the Army-2020 forum last year. The pistol is positioned precisely as a domestic replacement for the Austrian.

Lebedev's pistol is no worse. | Photo:
Lebedev's pistol is no worse. | Photo:

In terms of quality, reliability and fire performance, the Lebedev pistol is little, if not in any way, inferior to the Glock. Moreover, the Russian design has several important advantages. For example, the Austrian, unlike Lebedev, does not pass most of the extreme tests for heating, clogging with dirt, and operation at low temperatures. All this already casts doubt on the popular claim that the Glock is a Kalashnikov assault rifle from the world of pistols. It is worth saying that all this does not make the Glock fundamentally worse, but it casts doubt on its effectiveness in difficult domestic conditions. There are some complaints about the Austrian design from the point of view of ergonomics, first of all it concerns the difficulty of removing the magazine for reloading.

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An excellent weapon. ¦Photo:
An excellent weapon. ¦Photo:

But the main advantage of the Lebedev Pistol lies not in the difference in technical characteristics, but in what we started with. This is a domestic pistol, which is produced in Russia from Russian components. This means that they will be released no matter what happens. In matters of ensuring the country's defense capability, such things are critically important. By the way, the same Glocks used in Russia often enter the country in the form of spare parts and are assembled at Russian factories. Nevertheless, the details are being made for these weapons in Austria, which is absolutely unacceptable in matters of providing their own army with weapons.

If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should read more about
5 pistols that you can without a shadow of embarrassment called "living classics."
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