How I prepare berry bushes for winter: 5 important activities, without which "expect trouble"

  • Oct 27, 2021

With the onset of autumn, the gardener has new chores for caring for plants. After all, they need to be prepared for the winter cold, as well as for fruiting next year. For example, berry bushes require not only pruning, but also other procedures that will help you get through the winter comfortably. I will tell you about autumn events, which should not be forgotten, further.

Pruning bushes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Pruning bushes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Pruning bushes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Pruning bushes

Pruning is the most important part of preparing berries for wintering. After the procedure, the plant rejuvenates, the berries become larger, and the yields are much more abundant. The procedure is performed in October, about two weeks before the onset of the first frost, so that the bushes have time to recover from the damage inflicted on them.

Regardless of the type of berry crop, there are general pruning rules, according to which:

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  • I cut off all shoots lying on the ground, as well as broken, old and dry ones;
  • affected by insects and diseases, otherwise in the spring the infection will spread to the entire shrub;
  • if there are thin, weak, unripe shoots, then I cut them off too;
  • branches touching and interfering with each other, growing inside the bush and thickening its center;
  • overgrown branches at the roots of the bush.

However, each type of berry culture has its own characteristics of pruning, since after a certain period of time, complete removal of old branches is required (to ground level). Such merciless pruning is necessary to increase the yield of the bush due to young shoots that will grow in the place of old remote branches.

Completely cut out:

  • black currant - 5-6 years old;
  • blackberries and raspberries are 2 years old. In remontant raspberries, I cut the branches completely to the root;
  • gooseberries - 5 years old;
  • blueberries - 6 years old;
  • for honeysuckle - over 7 years old, I leave hemp 30-40 cm high;
  • chokeberry (chokeberry) - 6-8 years;
  • Irgi - 4-5 years old;
  • for red and white currants - over 9 years old, and on these types of shrubs, pruning should be done every 2 years, but not annually.

The currant of these varieties does not grow so intensively, gives little root growth, and the plant does not thicken. During the procedure, I process the slices with garden varnish. This will protect the plant from infections that usually penetrate wounds, as well as from the effects of the winter cold.

What can you feed

In late autumn, the fruit-bearing berries become weakened, since a lot of energy is spent on ripening the crop. In order for the plants to recover for abundant fruiting in the next season, as well as successfully overwinter, they need to be supported with top dressing. At this time, the main emphasis is on compounds rich in potassium and phosphorus. I do dressing in September-October (depending on weather conditions). Under each bush I bring in 20 g of potassium sulfate and up to 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Mineral fertilizers are embedded in the ground to a depth of 10 cm, then I water.

Instead of store-bought products, you can use a solution of wood ash (150 g of substance per bucket of water). It also contains magnesium, iron and boron, which are essential for soil nutrition. It is necessary to thoroughly stir the mixture and pour the near-trunk circles into the previously made grooves, then sprinkle the grooves with soil.

You can also feed the plants and protect the root system from frost with the help of organic matter: compost, manure or humus (10-20 liters per adult bush).

Top dressing of bushes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Top dressing of bushes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Pre-winter watering

If the autumn was dry or there was a small amount of precipitation, it is necessary to carry out the next event - water-charging irrigation. Pre-winter watering is necessary for the following reasons:

  1. In winter, although the plant is in the sleep phase, it continues to accumulate nutrients, especially in the root system. And since it can only absorb elements dissolved in water, the soil in the autumn season should be well moistened.
  2. Wet ground freezes less than dry ground.
  3. Moisture-laden branches are less fragile and can withstand strong winds and bright winter sun.

How moistened the soil is and whether moisture-charging watering is required for berry crops, I determine this way:

  • I make a deepening of 30-40 cm in the garden;
  • I take out a handful of earth from the bottom of the hole;
  • trying to make a lump out of it.

If the ground is crumbly, the bushes must be watered. A well-formed damp ball indicates that there is sufficient moisture in the soil and pre-winter watering can be dispensed with.

The water consumption for my berries is approximately 40 liters per bush (the rate depends on the weather and the type of soil on the site). After water-charging irrigation, the soil should be well moist up to 60 cm deep.

Watering the bushes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Watering the bushes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Loosening the soil and shelter for the winter

After abundant watering, when the ground gets wet enough, I proceed to the next event to prepare the shrubs for winter - digging and loosening the trunk circle. This is necessary to destroy harmful insects and their larvae, which have settled down for the winter in the soil under the bush. After loosening the soil, they end up on the surface, and with the arrival of frost they die from the cold.

Under the bush itself, loosening is performed to a depth of no more than 5-6 cm, so as not to touch the roots, which are located close to the soil surface. I dig the rest of the trunk circle to a depth of 15 cm.

As for the protection of shrubs from frost, I do not cover most of them, since they tolerate subzero temperatures of the middle zone quite well, especially if they are under snow. However, young bushes and thermophilic species of berry crops that may not survive the harsh winter will have to be covered with spruce branches or spunbond. The material for insulation can be any, the main thing is that it allows air to pass through well. With the arrival of spring heat, I immediately release the bushes from shelter, otherwise they will mate.

Autumn processing of shrubs

Even when harvesting, I pay attention to the condition of the branches and leaves of berry crops. If there are signs of disease, the presence of pests, and just for prevention in the fall, I spray the bushes. By this time, insects and their larvae, having prepared for wintering, hid under dry bark, on fallen leaves, in buds or in the upper layers of the soil. In addition, the autumn processing of the garden will be a good prevention of the development of various diseases in the coming year. For spraying plants I use a solution of one of the fungicides. For 10 liters of water I take:

  • copper sulfate (300 g);
  • iron vitriol (500 g);
  • bordeaux liquid (300 g).

Before the procedure, I collect all the fallen leaves, cut branches and burn them. After that, with the prepared solutions, I process not only the bushes, but also the trunk circle. I buy one of the means against insects and pests: "Aktara", "Avatar", "Commander".

In autumn, berry bushes need your care more than ever. Try to pay maximum attention to your wards, and they will surely endow you with abundant harvests of delicious berries.

Read also: How to say goodbye to ants in the garden

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