All gardeners know that garlic is a unique plant that bears fruit twice a year. But in order to achieve this, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of its cultivation. Today I will tell you about the main things I do every year to prepare a planting site for planting and growing winter garlic. After all, the volume of the future harvest largely depends on them.
Garlic planting preparation
To obtain a bountiful harvest, you need to make some efforts: in addition to optimal conditions for planting, you need to know about the correct cultivation of the land.
If the head has only four teeth, it does not need to be used for seating. This suggests that the culture is degenerating.
Soil treatment
As soon as autumn comes, I dig up the soil and start adding humus, chalk and sodium sulfate. The plant prefers to grow on light, fertile soil. If the soil on your site is not the same, try to bring it closer to a similar state. Since the root system of garlic is superficial, you can purchase special soil or vermicompost at a garden store.
Garden bed device
Usually I make a bed for garlic in this size:
- not less than 25 cm high;
- width no more than 100 cm.
At the end of the digging, for some time I do not carry out any work on the ridge, because the earth should settle a little.
Before planting, I carry out the obligatory treatment of the soil with compounds intended for disinfection. The procedure can be carried out with the following solutions:
- boric acid (1 g) and potassium permanganate (1 g), diluted in 1 liter of water;
- copper sulfate (100 g / 10 l of liquid);
- Bordeaux mixture (100 g / 10 l of water);
- potassium permanganate diluted in water (10 l) until a dark solution is obtained.
In addition, you can use a more complex composition to process the landing site. It is prepared in this way:
- Copper sulfate in an amount of 20 g is stirred in boiled water (2 l).
- Take the same volume of liquid and pour it into another container, add soda (20 g) with ammonia (1.5 tablespoons).
- All ingredients are mixed in a bucket and the container is poured to the brim.
- The prepared solution is used for watering the beds in the proportion of one bucket / 2 sq. m.
To prevent fungal spores from forming in the ground, the garden bed can be treated with the following preparations:
- "Fitosporin";
- "Acrobat";
- Ridomil Gold.
To get a good harvest of garlic, you need to fertilize the soil. For this, the following recipes are used:
- Thoroughly mix horse manure with mullein (bucket), nitrophoska (10 g), slaked lime in an amount of 300 g, and add superphosphate (20 g).
- Potassium salt (10 g), hydrated lime (300 g), superphosphate (15 g) and organic matter (10 l) are mixed.
- Humus (5 kg), granular superphosphate (30 g) and potassium salt (25 g) are used to treat the garden.
All mixtures should be added in a proportion of 1 dose / 1 sq. m.
It is necessary to understand that fertilizers are added to the ground, depending on its variety:
- clay soil - peat;
- sandy - superphosphates.
I advise you to add urea before planting in the proportion of one tablespoon of the substance per square meter of soil.
Garlic Care Tips
In order to harvest a decent harvest of garlic, I recommend following the basic rules for cultivation:
- As soon as seedlings hatch on the bed, water the plantings with a prepared solution of bird droppings.
- Feed with nitrogen until about July 10-15, as this substance helps the greenery grow.
- Perform timely weeding, watering, inspect vegetables for diseases.
- Be sure to water your crops in hot weather.
- The culture does not need moisture as soon as it reaches the maximum head size.
- Harvest from July 15th.
Read also: How to properly prune strawberries after harvest
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