How to properly feed currants in the winter in order to get a generous harvest of berries next season - my useful advice

  • Nov 03, 2021
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Autumn feeding of currants must be carried out for its abundant yield in the next season. I am constantly feeding shrubs and I want to tell you about my secret of processing, which gives me much more fruit in the summer.

Top dressing of currants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Top dressing of currants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Top dressing of currants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Benefits of autumn dressings for currants

At this time, new fruit buds are laid in the shrubs, so the culture needs feeding in order to bear fruit better next year.

Fertilization saturates the bushes with essential nutrients. This allows them to successfully endure winter frosts.

Timing of procedures

I feed the currants along with preparing the bushes for the winter period. Usually I carry out these procedures from mid-October, just at that time the plant goes into dormancy. It is necessary to carry out all work before frost appears.

Fertilizers containing nitrogen and superphosphate are added to the soil in certain portions (once every 14 days). I start processing as soon as I harvest. I add organic fertilizers in the form of humus and compost in November. Organic matter decomposes for a long time and has time to saturate the soil by spring.

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I advise you to stop feeding with nitrogen-containing fertilizers by September 15, otherwise they will not allow the shrub to go dormant before the onset of frost, and the plant may die.

Fertilizers for currants

For culture, you can use a variety of fertilizers: organic, mineral, and complex. Most importantly, the dosage must be strictly adhered to.

Mineral fertilizers

Currants in autumn most of all need potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, since the bush for the growing season pulled out a lot of useful substances from the ground and greatly weakened the plant during fruiting. In addition, the culture must have time to replenish its supply of vitamins to enhance immunity.

I choose mineral compositions for currants, which contain such useful substances as:

  1. Ammonium nitrate, with the help of which the immunity of the culture increases, the resistance of the currant to weather changes is enhanced.
  2. Superphosphate. The substance contains: phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, which help to increase yields, provide resistance to infections and promote root development.
  3. Potassium salt. The plant becomes resistant to parasites, diseases and weather changes.
Superphosphate. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Superphosphate. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Organic fertilizers

Organics contain many substances that help enrich the soil and provide good nutrition to crops.

Potato peel

Potato peelings contain starch and potassium, as well as other minerals. Before adding to the soil, I fill them with water.

In the fall, after cleaning the site and trimming the shrubs, I scatter the peel around the plant, dig it, and cover it with mulch on top.

Ash powder

A universal remedy containing phosphorus and potassium in its composition, it is perfectly used for winter feeding.

Ash powder. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Ash powder. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Under each shrub I add ash in the amount of three glasses and dig up the soil. You can prepare a liquid formulation by dissolving 150 g of the substance in a bucket of water.

Bird droppings

Top dressing should be done carefully so as not to accidentally add excess. I usually mix ash with peat or liquid to reduce the concentration.

When feeding with peat, I mix the droppings in a 1: 2 ratio. I make a liquid fertilizer as follows: I dilute 1 kg of droppings in 20 liters of water. I watering strictly under the bush. I water an adult bush with a solution of 10 liters, and a young one - 5 liters.


Fertilizer consumption is 3-4 shovels per plant. I close it in the ground with a garden rake.

Compost. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Compost. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


I introduce fertilizer diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 5. I pour the solution into the shallow grooves around the plant. Solution consumption is: 10 l / 1 bush.

Manure is used only when it is rotten.

Complex preparations

Many gardeners use complex mineral fertilizers for feeding.

The most common are:

  1. Diammofosk. Young shrubs are fed in a proportion of 10 g / sq. m, and adults - 20 g of substance / sq. m.
  2. Kalimagnesia. The drug must be scattered on the ground and dug up, per 1 sq. m spend up to 20 g.

Read also: Top dressing of apple trees in the fall: what fertilizers are best to apply to get a good harvest next year

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