Secrets of growing winter garlic Lyubasha is my favorite variety, which has firmly settled in the beds

  • Nov 03, 2021

Growing garlic in the beds, not everyone thinks about which variety is best to plant. And this plays an important role. Indeed, not only the taste of the culture depends on the variety, but also its yield, cultivation technology. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information on how to grow Lyubasha's garlic in the country.

Garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Garlic Lyubasha: characteristics

Garlic called Lyubasha refers to winter crops. It differs in:

  • up to 1.5 m high;
  • 50 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, dark green;
  • semi-vertical arrangement of curved leaves;
  • large rounded heads;
  • one clove weighing about 20 g;
  • white teeth with a pink or cream shade;
  • pleasant, slightly bitter taste;
  • versatility. This variety is suitable for making sauces, dressings, snacks, pickling;
  • high yield;
  • high in vitamin C.
Garlic variety Lyubasha. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Garlic variety Lyubasha. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The benefits of Lyubasha garlic include:

  • high productivity;
  • large fruits;
  • frost resistance;
  • low requirements for humidity and watering;
  • high immunity;
  • early maturity;
  • aesthetic appearance. This variety is grown primarily for sale;
  • good taste;
  • rich mineral and vitamin composition;
  • universality of appointment;
  • long shelf life.

As for the disadvantages, then:

  • the variety starts up arrows that need to be removed;
  • for the winter, the beds need to be mulched in regions with cold winters.

Planting garlic Lyubasha

I use three methods of planting this variety:

  • teeth;
  • seeds;
  • onion.
Planting garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Planting garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Since the variety belongs to winter crops, I plant it in the fall. It is advisable to choose the timing so that at least 2 weeks remain before the first frost after planting. With the classic planting, I put the teeth into the ground to a depth of 3-5 cm. Also, many gardeners practice a deeper planting up to 15 cm. This allows the garlic to be planted in September. It is believed to root better and is unlikely to freeze up with the onset of frost.

Choosing a landing site

Garlic Lyubasha needs a lot of sunlight. Therefore, I always prepare the beds in well-lit places. I arrange the beds themselves from north to south, so that the sun illuminates the plants equally from all sides. But in the lowland, it is not worth making beds, since with stagnant water, the plants will simply begin to rot. As for the soil itself, it should be loose, fertile, slightly acidic.

Preparing the beds

I prepare the beds for planting garlic in a few months. I start all the manipulations by cleansing them of weeds. I believe that it is best to raise the garlic bed by 20 cm. Then I apply fertilizers to the soil, which are suitable for both mineral and organic fertilizing:

  • humus;
  • chalk;
  • wood ash;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • superphosphate.

Fertilizers are evenly distributed over the soil surface, the garden bed is dug up and watered with a solution of copper sulfate. From above it is covered with a film. The day before planting the garlic, the bed is watered with a urea solution, urea is scattered over its surface, and then it is watered.

Preparation of planting material

When planting Lyubasha's garlic, I use the chives obtained from last year's harvest. The preparation of planting material consists of the following steps:

  1. The heads of garlic are disassembled into cloves.
  2. Each clove is inspected for defects.
  3. The selected planting material is disinfected.

Step-by-step landing

I start the process of planting garlic by digging holes. I make the distance between the teeth 10 cm, I step back 30 cm between the rows. At the bottom of each hole I spread a clove of garlic with its nose up. On top of the hole, I cover it with earth from rotted compost. There is no need to water the planting material, since the day before planting the garden bed is already abundantly moistened.

Care of the planted crop

Caring for Lyubasha's garlic comes down to the following steps:

  • mulching. This must be done in regions with a harsh climate. As mulch, I use hay, fallen leaves, pine needles, peat;
  • watering. It starts at the start of the growing season. When the first leaves appear, the drying out of the soil negatively affects the planted culture;
  • fertilization. I try to fertilize the garlic at least 3 times throughout its growth period. For this I use complex mineral compositions;
  • weeding and loosening the soil. In early spring, mulch, weeds are removed from the beds and the soil is loosened.

Collection and storage of garlic

The collection of garlic begins when the leaves turn yellow on the plant. Usually this moment falls at the end of June. After digging, the garlic is laid out in the sun for several days.

Garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

When it comes to storing garlic, there are several options:

  • the bulbs are laid out in sterilized jars, closed with lids. Then they will be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 months;
  • the crop is laid out in cardboard boxes, sprinkled with flour;
  • the garlic is packed in plastic containers and poured with vegetable oil.

And it is best to braid the harvested crop in a pigtail, put it in a net and hang it on the balcony.

Whichever storage option you choose, I recommend removing the top layer of husk from the garlic, on which there are residues of soil. I also remove roots up to 1 cm. I shorten the stem to 5 cm.

As you can see, Lyubasha's garlic is of high quality. It is unpretentious in cultivation, lies for a long time, has a pleasant taste.

Read also: What can not be done when pickling cabbage? We analyze the main mistakes

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#garlic#winter garlic#planting and care