My hydrangeas winter both in the garden and in the apartment - I tell you how I prepare them for different wintering conditions

  • Nov 06, 2021

Today we'll talk about hydrangea, or rather its wintering. I really love this beautiful ornamental plant and I grow several varieties in my garden. All of them have slight differences in care and wintering method. Most varieties tolerate low temperatures well. However, some, such as the large-leaved hydrangea, need a mandatory shelter in the winter.

Hydrangeas. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Hydrangeas. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Hydrangeas. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

In this article, I want to share with you the experience of preparing this delicate plant for winter.

If the hydrangea overwinters in the garden

In order to enjoy lush flowering again in the next season, measures for this should be taken in advance. I begin to carry out preparatory activities for the winter from mid-September. I start by harvesting the leaf mass. This action is necessary so that the shoots can become woody. It is worth removing leaves from all branches, except for the top ones. If you notice dry inflorescences on your plant, you can leave them alone, but remove them with the arrival of spring before the first flowering bud.

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After the foliage issue is resolved, I feed the crop to enhance its immune properties. I use potassium-phosphorus compounds as fertilizer. After all these measures, I cover the bushes for the winter, if the variety requires it.

When choosing a shelter option, you should first of all focus on the climatic features of your region. For example, in the south, treelike and panicle hydrangea can not be covered, but simply covered with soil.

Young bushes can be covered with peat and covered with spunbond.

For curly and tall species, I arrange wire mesh frames. To do this, follow these sequential steps:

  • remove foliage from bushes;
  • wrap the hydrangea with covering material, fixing it with a strong rope;
  • set the frame about fifteen centimeters higher than the plant;
  • pour autumn foliage into the frame space;
  • cover the resulting structure with burlap. For greater reliability, roofing material can be used.
Shelter of hydrangea. Illustration for the article is used from
Shelter of hydrangea. Illustration for the article is used from

In fact, a covering layer for hydrangea can be prepared with your own hands and without much money. For these purposes, you can use peat, sawdust or spruce branches. However, if the winter is cold, but without snow, there will be little such shelter. Using ready-made special materials made of non-woven polypropylene as a shelter is guaranteed to help save the plant. It can be spunbond or geotextile. This kind of materials can be purchased at any garden center.

Important: even using special materials, to organize a reliable shelter, they should be wrapped in two layers.

What kind of hydrangea to dig for the winter and is it worth it

Delicate large-leaved varieties will not hurt to dig out for the period of cold weather. I do such an event in late fall. You can choose the time based on the climatic conditions of the region. It is favorable that at this moment the outside temperature is within 0 degrees. In order not to injure the plant, dig in the bush in a circle, retreating about half a meter from the center. Then deepen the hole half a meter. The plant will need to be removed from the soil together with an earthen lump and placed in a prepared container.

We keep the hydrangea at home

In the case of storing hydrangeas at home, the plant needs to organize comfortable conditions. There can be several options for home content:

We store the hydrangea in the basement. Illustration for the article is used from the site
We store the hydrangea in the basement. Illustration for the article is used from the site
  • Insulated balcony or loggia. The excavated plants can be stored in such a space, provided that the temperature is maintained within ten degrees with a plus sign. This temperature is optimal for the hydrangea's natural resting period.
  • Room. In the absence of a balcony or loggia, the hydrangea can be stored in the room. The main thing is that the room is cool. It is favorable to place the flower on the windowsill, so the plant will receive additional necessary lighting. However, it is worth remembering that at the end of the winter period, such plants will need mandatory gradual hardening.
  • Cellar or basement. Ideal for overwintering large plants in containers. However, remember: before placing the hydrangea in the basement, it must be prepared. Namely, dry and carry out processing from mold. Large bushes should be cut at a height of about twenty centimeters from the roots.

Now you know how to prepare your beautiful hydrangeas for winter. Good luck and lush bloom to everyone!

Read also: How to properly prune strawberries after harvest

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#hydrangea#keeping hydrangea#storage methods