Why in America live fish are thrown from planes into water bodies, and why it does not break

  • Nov 20, 2021
The only reasonable explanation for this action is stocking. And if this is really so, then why exactly this way. It would be reasonable to assume that falling at great speed from a height, the fish would break. Then why are planes used to transport it, and how does the fish remain unharmed?
The only reasonable explanation for this action is stocking. And if this is really so, then why exactly this way. It would be reasonable to assume that falling at great speed from a height, the fish would break. Then why are planes used to transport it, and how does the fish remain unharmed?
The only reasonable explanation for this action is stocking. And if this is really so, then why exactly this way. It would be reasonable to assume that falling at great speed from a height, the fish would break. Then why are planes used to transport it, and how does the fish remain unharmed?

1. Why is this done

The United States decided to implement a lake stocking project in Utah Photo: muz4in.net
The United States decided to implement a lake stocking project in Utah / Photo: muz4in.net
The United States decided to implement a lake stocking project in Utah / Photo: muz4in.net
Lakes are stocked with trout not only to preserve the population Photo: madhunter.ru
Lakes are stocked with trout not only to preserve the population / Photo: madhunter.ru
Lakes are stocked with trout not only to preserve the population / Photo: madhunter.ru

The United States has decided to implement a lake stocking project in Utah. To transport fish to the reservoir, they chose air transport - airplanes. Lakes are stocked with trout not only to preserve the population.

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To ensure a stable income from fishing tourists, the authorities must take care of a good catch / Photo: mir-lun.ru
To ensure a stable income from fishing tourists, the authorities must take care of a good catch / Photo: mir-lun.ru

The state earns a decent income from the tourism business. The lakes are located in the mountains, quite high. This does not stop anglers, but they are ready to travel a long way if they are sure that the catch will please them. Otherwise, they will stop going there. In this regard, the lakes are stocked.

2. Why exactly an airplane and not a car

There are practically no roads in the mountains, and transporting fish by horses is not a good idea due to its low survival / Photo: airpano.ru
There are practically no roads in the mountains, and transporting fish by horses is not a good idea due to its low survival / Photo: airpano.ru

The problem is that there are practically no roads in the mountains. Prior to that, fish were transported in cans, which were attached to horse backs. For fish, this is not the best option. About 50% of the individuals remained alive, which is too few. When dropped from an airplane, the survival rate is several times higher. It is 95%. Surprising but true.

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3. Why does not the fish die when falling, does not break

To be dropped from an airplane, the fish should not be very light or heavy - no longer fry, but not yet mature enough to mature / Photo: peterburg.fishretail.ru
To be dropped from an airplane, the fish should not be very light or heavy - no longer fry, but not yet mature enough to mature / Photo: peterburg.fishretail.ru

The fish are dropped from a height similar to the height of a nine-story building, and the speed is crazy. In theory, most of it should have crashed. But before realizing the project, the specialists calculated everything to the smallest detail. Not all fish are transported, but only with specific indicators (weight, size). It should not be very light or heavy - not fry anymore, but not yet mature enough to mature. If these parameters are observed, the fish practically does not suffer when falling and quickly passes the adaptation period in a new place.

It will be equally interesting and useful to find out
how to remove scales from even large fish without suffering.
A source:


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