How easy, quick and easy it is to clean the chimney in any stove. Taught by the old stove-maker

  • Nov 23, 2021

Until recently, in all private houses in villages and towns, the only type of heating was a stove. The condition of these chimneys was monitored by people trained for this - chimney sweeps. They checked the condition of the chimneys, whether they require repair, and, if necessary, cleaned them.

How easy, quick and easy it is to clean the chimney in any stove. Taught by the old stove-maker

Although now the bulk of houses have switched to gas heating, there are still plenty of stoves and fireplaces left.

The first cleaning of the chimney is supposed to be done in 1 - 1.5 years from the moment the furnace starts operating, and then it should be carried out 2 times a year. When the soot on the pipe walls reaches a thickness of 3 mm or more, this is an indicator and a signal to clean the chimney.

If this is not done, then the consumption of firewood for heating the home will increase. The fact is that soot is an excellent heat insulator, therefore, the stove channel begins to warm up worse, and much more firewood will need to be burned to heat the house.

Chimney is heavily clogged
Chimney is heavily clogged
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Therefore, this trick will be very useful for those who heat the stove with wood in the house or bath. As the stove heats up every day, soot accumulates on the walls of the pipe, which gradually worsens the draft in the stove, and over time it can completely clog the chimney.

Whatever this happens, and in order not to clean the pipe mechanically, you just need to add from time to time to the firebox directly to the firewood when heating the stove 2 - 3 handfuls of potato peels.

Cleanings can be either dry or fresh. There is absolutely no difference. The starch that is released during the combustion of the purification softens the soot and deposits on the walls of the chimney. Softening, it is thrown out, thanks to the draft in the oven.

It is enough to burn the cleaning for 3-4 days in a row, and the chimney is completely cleaned. It is advisable to repeat this procedure on a monthly basis. Everything has been tested by me in practice, everything works!

Try it yourself, the effect will surprise you!