3 Easy Ways to Determine Vehicle Mileage Before Making a Deal

  • Nov 27, 2021
Acquisition of a car in the domestic open spaces is frankly not an easy business, full of pitfalls and unexpected turns. Every motorist fears that as a result of the deal, he will not have a solid " swallow" in his hands, but a dull " pig in a poke". One of the biggest problems in this business, of course, remains twisted mileage. Fortunately, there are several ways to establish the true order of things.
Acquisition of a car in the domestic open spaces is frankly not an easy business, full of pitfalls and unexpected turns. Every motorist fears that as a result of the deal, he will not have a solid "swallow" in his hands, but a dull "pig in a poke". One of the biggest problems in this business, of course, remains twisted mileage. Fortunately, there are several ways to establish the true order of things.
Acquisition of a car in the domestic open spaces is frankly not an easy business, full of pitfalls and unexpected turns. Every motorist fears that as a result of the deal, he will not have a solid "swallow" in his hands, but a dull "pig in a poke". One of the biggest problems in this business, of course, remains twisted mileage. Fortunately, there are several ways to establish the true order of things.

1. Visual inspection

First of all, we look at the salon. | Photo: kinotyr.ru.
First of all, we look at the salon. | Photo: kinotyr.ru.
First of all, we look at the salon. | Photo: kinotyr.ru.

The first, the simplest, but at the same time the least reliable way of checking is a banal visual inspection. First of all, the interior space of the car. The higher the mileage of the car, the more faded and worn the interior trim will be. The vast majority of sellers are ready to repaint the car body, but updating the trim is too costly and complicated operation. First of all, you should pay attention to the condition of rugs, covers, steering wheel, panel trim, the condition of handles, levers and switches. This method will not tell you the exact mileage, but at least it will allow you to identify an unscrupulous seller.

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2. Online services

We check online services. | Photo: infobel.com.
We check online services. | Photo: infobel.com.

One of the best ways to check vehicle mileage. Its only drawback is that no service provides such information for free. Nevertheless, the price tag for "breaking the car" is not at all high. Online aggregators collect information on mileage, road traffic accidents, fines and more for each vehicle. For this, services use all sorts of sources. To check a car using such a tool, you will need its state registration number or VIN-code.

3. Service book

The service book is obligatory for checking. | Photo: drive2.ru.
The service book is obligatory for checking. | Photo: drive2.ru.

It is imperative to ask the owner of the car sold for the service book and PTS. It should contain the maintenance notes for the specific machine. In addition to the dates of service, in the book you can also find marks indicating the mileage of the car at the time of visiting the service station. Refusal to provide a TCP or a service book directly indicates the owner's dishonesty.

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Mileage is important. ¦ Photo: carvertical.com.
Mileage is important. ¦ Photo: carvertical.com.

If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should read about what is the difference between the inspection and inspection of the car by the policeand how to behave.
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