Today the Soviet education system is traditionally scolded (like almost everything Soviet). Like, it is complicated and overloaded. There is no need for a small person to develop comprehensively: after all, the main thing is to turn out to be a good specialist - a human function, a "lathe", only with a heart and will. And the modern system is definitely much better. It is enough to remember that in today's school, in contrast to the Soviet one, repeaters and poor students cannot be found with fire in the afternoon!
Those who studied in Soviet times remember very well that there were poor students and repeaters in Soviet schools. There have never been very many of them, nevertheless, already in the 1990s, the number of “ignoramuses” began to decline rapidly. And by the beginning of the 2000s, Losers and Repeaters had actually become an element of folklore. Where did they disappear and what was the reason, really the successes of the education system?
If by “success” we mean the degradation of the entire institution of upbringing and education of future citizens, then yes, the disappearance of poor students is a definite plus. In fact, everything is simple. No matter how much they scolded the Soviet system, but before the ill-fated "Perestroika", in the vast majority of cases, in front of a kindergarten, school, secondary vocational and higher educational institution had the task of not only training future labor personnel, but also education citizens. Hence the fundamentally different approaches of the teaching staff to both preparation and assessment.
The Soviet approach in this regard perfectly reflects the aphorism “if you don't know how, we will teach, if you don’t want to, we will force”. Even a complete fool, lazy and mediocrity, the Motherland did not abandon to the mercy of fate. He was still forced to study and get at least a minimum of knowledge. There was a real chasm in the issue of knowledge of the subject between a two - a failure and a three - an offset. The Soviet education system did not give indulgences and did not make compromises, and therefore leave a child or teenager for a second and the third year for the purpose of upbringing and education did not seem to be something terrible, first of all for the teaching composition. Soviet society was collectivist even in the 1970s and 1980s. And therefore, if 20 children have learned, and 2 have not, then it is clearly not a matter of the teacher.
In the "dashing 90s", everything changed. Gradually, the Losers turned from banal ignoramuses into a burden and a problem. Nobody wanted to mess with them anymore. The departure from collectivism in society towards individualism has gradually formed the idea that any poor student is evidence of the teacher's personal failure. Now it was no longer a matter of the student, but of the teacher. All this was superimposed on a race between schools for "stick figures" and tons of paperwork, because every repeater needs to be formalized in a special way, and every deuce for a quarter must be explained to the superiors. It has become easier to put a three and forget about the child: even if he is lazy, he has problems at home, or he really does not understand - all this has ceased to be problems of the institution of state education.
Today, a teacher throughout the post-Soviet space is a person with the stigma of a failure. Even if he was lucky enough to get to work in a private school. Hounded by their bosses, students and parents, burdened with tons of paperwork and low salaries, teachers do not want to and cannot teach children normally. And most importantly, they do not want and cannot educate them. Not a single teacher will take on unnecessary problems with poor students for the pennies that they pay him. And even if the teacher suddenly turns out to be principled, the school will still, by hook or by crook, ensure that the child does not stay for the second year. But the child will not gain knowledge from this. Ultimately, education finally became a "service."
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A source:
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