How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode

  • Dec 09, 2021
How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode
How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode

I welcome everyone to the channel for beginners in the garage and dacha self-taught welding.

Here, in our articles and videos, we give simple working tips, applying which, you will significantly shorten your path to normal results.

Welding of thin metal of electrodes will often be needed in your area, dacha, garage. I'll show you one little trick that can sometimes help with this. This is an ordinary piece of chalk.

How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode
How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode
How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode
How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode

The overwhelming amount of welding of thin metals for domestic purposes falls on the welding of a shaped pipe. Everything is clear here, everything is familiar, even if there is even a little experience.

We cook either with a break or without a break - if the connection allows, the thickness of the metal and the diameter of the electrode. Here the seam is straight. On thin profile pipes, it is better to fit the joint without a gap, it is easier to cook without burn-throughs.

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But when the joint is practically without gaps, then the guideline of where to cook is poorly visible, through the mask during welding this is indeed the case. It's good when the seam is straight, we won't be much mistaken without a guide. But there are non-standard situations.

How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode
How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode

If you suddenly need to weld a lopina on a thin metal, and this lopina is far from straight in shape. When welding through the mask, you can simply not see the exact path for welding, bevel the seam past the edges. After all, we adjusted the connection as much as possible without a gap. And here a piece of chalk comes to the rescue.

How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode
How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode

Let's run with chalk along such a lug or not a straight joint. Chalk will not burn near the weld, so this chalk line will be an excellent visual reference. There is no need to strain and peer at where to put the next point in pull-off welding.

How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode
How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode
How a piece of chalk can help you weld thin metal with an electrode

Or here's another good illustrative example - you need a seam in the shape of an even circle, without chalk nothing would work here. We draw the desired circle and cook along the chalk path. The result is quite good.

You see, in the last photo there are chalk lines on both sides of the already welded seam. They did not burn out, as I said earlier, the chalk path is clearly visible and practically does not burn out from welding.

So if you have to weld a seam on a thin metal and it will not be straight, then you can safely apply a piece of chalk, passing it along the junction or lopina.