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We are surrounded by things, the appointment of which we can not even guess. Moreover, just do not think. And one such example is probably now in front of your nose. If you are reading this from a laptop screen, then look at its power supply. See the cylinder on the wire? What he was hiding and why he needed to find out below.
Each computer - a very noisy device. Even if you do not listen to music or watch a new episode of "Game of Thrones", it still projects a noise - electromagnetic. Moreover, you know that the wire charging device of the computer - this antenna? And it actively emits noise generated inside the computer to the external environment. To this did not greatly spoil your life and enjoy their work, and the cable supplied with the nozzle-cylinder.
This is called a barrel ferrite or ferrite ring. If you will cut it in half, you will find inside the metal piece. Ferrite consists of chemical compounds of iron oxide with other metal oxides, having unique magnetic properties and low electrical conductivity. It increases the inductance of the wires and thereby suppresses high-frequency interference.
But let us into human language. What happens if you choose wire without such a filter? If the cable has a braid - nothing. But otherwise, are frequent interference in the image on the screen "for no apparent reason" and intrusive background sound emitted by a wire. It seems to be a trifle, but if you put up with it all day, annoying cool.
Therefore it is better to choose a charger, which cable has a braid, or ferrite. But here we must be careful: Many charge of Chinese origin are provided with the coveted keg. That's just inside - nothing empty. In order not to run into a fake, before buying gently tap the filter. And if the "on tap", he seems completely hollow, it is better to think twice and look at other options.
And here you can read more about 10 things about the true purpose of which you probably never knew existed.
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A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/240318/45463/