Receiving a radio remote control signal on the Arduino

  • Dec 19, 2021

I did a little experiment with 433 Mhz receiver and remotes and got unexpected results.

Receiving a radio remote control signal on the Arduino

On Aliexpress, 433 and 315 MHz receivers and transmitters are sold, as a rule, in sets. I bought this set of two 433 Mhz boards for 68 rubles with delivery.

Receiving a radio remote control signal on the Arduino

The receiver connects to the Arduino with three wires (power, ground and signal to pin 2).

There is a standard library for receiving and recognizing signals from remote controls. rc-switch. V examples of use this library has the simplest code ReceiveDemo_Simple, which outputs four values ​​to the COM port when a signal is received: button code, sequence length in bits, delay, protocol code.

I expected that some codes would constantly come on the Moscow clogged air, but, oddly enough, until you press the remote control button, there is nothing.

When you press four buttons on the remote control, the following values ​​are displayed from the title picture.

To recognize the pressing of the necessary buttons on the necessary remotes, it is enough to compare the getReceivedValue value with the button code known in advance.

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Everything seems to be simple and elementary. It just turned out that of all my 433 Mhz remotes, the signal is recognized only at the small remote control from the title photo. On pressing the buttons of these three remotes (switch Noolite, remote control sockets with timer, remote control bike alarms) Arduino is not responding in any way.

Apparently, these remotes use some other protocols not known to the rc-switch library. Surely, there are some other libraries for receiving data from consoles, but I have not found them yet.

On the one hand, organizing control of the Arduino with a radio remote control is very simple and very cheap, but on the other hand, not all 433 Mhz remotes are suitable for this.

© 2021, Alexey Nadezhin

For ten years I have been writing every day about technology, discounts, places of interest and events. Read my blog on the site, v LJ, Zen, Mirtesen, Telegram.
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