What means of self-defense can be carried in a car and not break the law

  • Dec 19, 2021
What means of self-defense can be carried in a car and not break the law

Let the ill-fated "dashing 90s" remain far behind, moreover, a whole generation managed to be born and grow up, which did not find this bitter period in the history of the country at all. However, alas, the roads were not much calmer. And therefore, many citizens are wondering what legal means of self-defense can be carried in your car to protect yourself and your loved ones?

It does not become calmer on the roads. Photo: codexclab.ru.
It does not become calmer on the roads. / Photo: codexclab.ru.
It does not become calmer on the roads. / Photo: codexclab.ru.

In fact, the answer to the question posed lies right there. Means of self-defense are not something abstract, but a very specific legal concept. Thus, it is absolutely legal in the car to have any items that, according to the law, belong to the category of those very means of self-defense. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to use anything that is not such a means to protect oneself. In addition, you should always remember that self-defense is an extremely slippery matter in legislation. Therefore, it is better to avoid potentially dangerous situations altogether.

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Not suitable: tools, sports equipment, improvised items

The bit is not suitable for self-defense. / Photo: dneprovec.by.
The bit is not suitable for self-defense. / Photo: dneprovec.by.

There are a myriad of items ranging from pieces of rebar and building tools, ending with baseball bats and tourist knives, which can be legally transported in car. However, all of these items cannot be used as a means of self-defense. Moreover, in the case of using a knife, bat or tool in court, some of the things can be equated with using a weapon. The situation is the worst with piercing and cutting objects. Therefore, non-special means are definitely not suitable for self-defense, except in cases of extreme necessary when a person or people nearby are at risk of death or serious harm health.

Not suitable: firearms

No weapons. / Photo: ukenreport.com.
No weapons. / Photo: ukenreport.com.

The same is true for all firearms. It can be transported in a car, however, only in a discharged state and disassembled, in a special case, separate from the ammunition. The use of firearms, including for the protection of oneself, is allowed only if of extreme necessity, when the law allows you to fight for your life and health by any available means. In all other cases, the use of firearms is likely to become an aggravating factor during the trial.

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Suitable: special products

There are many special tools available. / Photo: VKontakte.
There are many special tools available. / Photo: VKontakte.

Today the market is ready to offer a huge number of self-defense equipment: stun guns, gas canisters, traumatic and gas pistols. These items cause the least harm to human health and, at the same time, most often have a sufficient stopping effect. Of course, there are rules and nuances regarding the use of self-defense equipment. However, only special means are ideally suited for the role of defenders from the point of view of the letter of the law.

Continuing the topic, read about
why traumatic pistol is useless for self-defense.
A source:


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