Experienced gardeners know that a grafted tree produces a good and bountiful harvest. After all, it often happens that a fruit tree planted for a long time did not meet your expectations, but it already has a well-formed root system and crown. Therefore, you can graft any other type of fruit tree you like into it.
Why is it recommended to plant fruit trees
Vaccination can solve many different problems. For example, you do not need to get rid of an unnecessary tree on the site and wait until the variety of fruit tree you need grows and begins to bear the first fruits. And for some varieties of trees, grafting is the only way to reproduce.
Is it possible to plant fruit trees for an inexperienced gardener
Despite the fact that grafting a tree is a rather difficult process, there is nothing to be afraid of. Having tried this manipulation several times, you will definitely learn how to do everything correctly.
All you need to properly graft a tree is to have a good garden tool, a high quality grafting stalk and some free time on hand.
When to get started
I recommend planting fruit trees during the entire period of active sap flow. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out work in early spring.
What is the rootstock and scion
Inexperienced gardeners do not understand the difference between a scion and a stock. Let's understand these concepts:
- the rootstock is the tree on which the grafting will be done. It can be a wild tree, to which any sort of apple tree can be grafted, or an old tree that does not give a bountiful harvest;
- a scion is a cutting that will graft onto a tree.
Required tools and materials
From a garden tool for grafting a tree, I harvest:
- sharp knife;
- secateurs;
- electrical tape;
- garden var.
It is all of the above materials and tools that an experienced gardener should have at hand while grafting a tree. Keep in mind that before inoculation, I strongly recommend degreasing your hands and working tools, since if even a drop of fat gets into the vaccination site, the scion simply will not take root and will disappear. You can degrease your hands and garden tools with both simple laundry soap and dish detergent.
I also strongly recommend that you do not touch the wood cuts with your hands. Since if foreign microparticles get on them, this will significantly reduce the likelihood of a tree growing together.
Grafting an apple tree in spring
In the spring, I graft the apple tree in different ways: copulation and budding. Budding involves grafting a tree with a bud. To do this, an incision is made on the plant, and the scion is inserted into it. But this method is used only by experienced gardeners. For beginners, the copulation method is more suitable.
Varieties of copulation
By types, copulation is divided into:
- usual. It means the scion and rootstock of the same diameter. The main thing here is to make the same cuts on the branches at the same angle;
- improved copulation. It is carried out according to the same principle. But gardeners do not make a straight cut, but a step;
- copulation into cleavage. This method is effective for different branch diameters. The splitting can be done crosswise or across;
- graft for the bark. Suitable for active sap flow. It is necessary to cut a branch on a tree, leaving a stump. Then the bark is cut on the stump, pushed back, and the scion is inserted there.
As you can see, there are many different options for how to plant an apple tree. I have selected the most effective and personally tested methods for you. I hope my article will help you to correctly graft the tree so that you have the opportunity to get the required variety of apple trees on the site.
Read also: Pruning grapes in autumn
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