Plain-looking Ural inside which hides the whole apartment

  • Dec 24, 2019

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No machine is better for hunting and fishing.
No machine is better for hunting and fishing.

Homes - this is not necessarily any unfortunate module for two people, a van or a trailer, which is not able to storm though a little fierce off-road. Sometimes, a house on wheels - it's such a "monster", created on the basis of one of the best in the truck like that.

"Ural Next» knows no barriers.

In the West, it has become incredibly popular all kinds of mobile homes. Demand for such leisure is constantly growing, and therefore there is nothing surprising in the fact that the new trailers and vans to travel tens of rivet every quarter. Nice to know, and that domestic engineers are never far behind on this field, and even contribute to the construction of mobile homes for a number of national color. Get at least a house on the basis of "Ural Next», which looks like an ordinary Ural. Here it is just hidden inside a real apartment, which will allow to relax in comfort and stamina to fill even the most severe, severe weather conditions.

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"Ural Next» goes fast even to curb areas.
"Ural Next» goes fast even to curb areas.

We must understand that the "Ural Next» for those who go on nature in those places where there may be a real challenge to find for the traveler. Make these cars for travel in the Chelyabinsk region, in the city of Miass. Thus, we can say that these homes on wheels are hardened most severe air in the whole country. Climb to the "Ural Next» is possible even in very wild wilderness. Truck without any problems on the road sneaks.

There are "Ural Next» and a generator.
There are "Ural Next» and a generator.

It is a house on wheels in the best military tradition, and because it's simple as possible, reliable and careful attention to detail. van body stands on a steel frame. As used styrofoam insulation 40 mm. For exterior skin masters used galvanized steel. All seams are securely closed for the best sealant.

Salon at "Ural Next» Spartan, but comfortable.
Salon at "Ural Next» Spartan, but comfortable.

Inside the floor of a residential unit is covered with carpet and linoleum. Compartment with a gasoline generator and the ventilation system is protected by a special insulation, absorbing noise and vibration. The machine is heated by two heaters. One is located in the cockpit, the other in a residential unit. There are also air-conditioned. Inside, a number of different cabinets, including arms for hunting equipment. He has a house and a bathroom, a kitchen and beds - everything you need for life. In the basic version of the machine is a TV.

Continuing the theme 7 inventions which cause mixed reaction and not only.

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