How do Crassula (money tree) beautiful. Simple, but the workers' councils

  • Dec 24, 2019

Jade with juicy leaves is not only a culture that attracts the house money. This is a beautiful, cheerful, meaty, original, branching plant. Ensure it necessary care, and the tree will become more attractive, bright, blooming.

Crassula. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Crassula. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Succulents and watering - choosing the right mode

Money tree almost uninteresting room humidity. Put it anywhere: there may be air and dry and wet conditions on.

It's different with irrigation. Do not think that thick foliage, so she did not lose a delicious rich round shape, you need a lot of water, and as often as possible. Succulent plant does not like excess water. From the large amount of water will wilt, shallow, shrink, fade, fall off, and possibly even rot, starting with the root system.

Council.Use thawed water or room temperature water from the tap, which stand for eight - of twenty-four hours in an open container.
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Money Tree. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Money Tree. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Irrigation Scheme - profusion and frequency - periodic-seasonal:

  • In winter, the water should be at a minimum, the rest - to the maximum. If you do not take out the jade tree in a cool place (September-February - the "rest" of the culture, suitable temperature - from eight to fifteen degrees Celsius), and the tree will remain in the same place, water it three times in thirty days. With eight degrees - a time when fifteen - twice. If too dry, moisten the can once or twice.
  • In the spring (awakens culture at twenty degrees Celsius) - only once in seven days when the air is too dry - twice. First enter additional forage in April. Spend it until August - once in thirty days.
  • In the summer - at least twice in seven days, also need to spray the plant and feed.
Council.During the summer, be sure to ventilate the room in which the money tree. Especially if you make it on the balcony or sundeck is not possible. Air conditioning will not work, the culture needs a lively air.
  • In the fall, during the transition to the frequency of watering once every seven or eight days.
Important.Pour a thin jet of water (using a watering can with a long nose). On the surface of the soil should not form puddles, and the more water should not stagnate in the sump. All excess should be drained. When watering the plant the next time - check the finger has dried the soil to a depth of phalanges - can be watered, not - put moisture on later.

The best place at the right time

Crassula may be called a natural filter. When choosing a location in the house, where to put the culture, preference is given to the bedroom. Unnecessary odors are gone, the air is cleared.

To put it on the window or on the floor? As long as a small tree, it needs a lot of light - the window sill (if the south or southwest, will need to artificial shading using a film or a leaf of white paper to the sun's rays are not burned foliage). Grown culture fit and floor stand, and open the curtains (lover of darkness are only mosses).

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Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Arrange Jade privileged existence on the open balconies, veranda or in the gazebo in the period from May to the end of August, place it on the floor. Street vacation a positive impact on the plant. Crassula may even bloom.

Think of dressing. The main components of fertilizers are potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Council.Do not make a mistake with the dosage, dissolve one gram of mineral additive per liter of water. If it is difficult, you can use ready-made liquid fertilizer for cacti and succulents, competently thinning.

Cutting crown formation as a way of

Some people may not like the natural overgrown Crassula. Then the shape of its crown, branching and stem thickness at its discretion:

  • to thicken domes, perform topping the stem (two fingers) - there will be two fresh stem nipping in place;
  • trunk to thicken, it is necessary to pinch off ends of the shoots, crop via secateurs, knife, scalpel for two and a half centimeters below brown ringlet formed around threads;
  • to create bonsai, every week should be cut shoots (close to the twig or along the trunk), pinch off buds and leaves (very little left on the tips).
Council.The cuts do not need to cover up, the tree requires regular watering. The main thing - it should be repotted every two years, while it is young, and then - once in three to five years, when he grows up, cutting the root system during transplanting (fresh roots do not touch, remove strong on third).
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Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Clean - a pledge of beauty

Jade, as well as any room culture, is a lover of purity: it is necessary to spray and lightly rubbing with a damp cloth on a leaf.

In summer arrange plant shower no more than twice in seven days (Water should be at room temperature) in the fall, spring periods - once. In the winter season culture simply wipe.

Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

If you take care of the tree, it will certainly thank you. Than? Its beauty, of course. Also, according to accept, if culture foliage glossy and fleshy, cash in your home will never run out. To material well-being lodged in your house, you need to grow Jade yourself (with a small rostochku).

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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