Three secrets that made my geranium bloom more luxuriantly

  • Jan 09, 2022

For a long time I was jealous of white envy, passing by houses, on the windowsills of which a blooming cap of pelargonium flaunted. I also grew it and even bloomed, but not so abundantly. Until one of the old women, whose window I admired, told me three ways to make geraniums bloom more magnificently. According to her, it will take very little time to push the flower to "exploits", besides, almost all methods are free. You only need 10 minutes of your personal time. What are these secret methods, I will tell you in the article.

Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

I will not bother with such mandatory activities as pruning and shaping a bush, feeding and lighting. You can deal with this yourself, I will only voice not the most popular methods.

Sprinkle iodine on the geranium

Contrary to popular belief, iodine itself does not stimulate the flowering of geraniums. The plant also does not need it for growth. Its task is different. Getting into the pot, iodine strongly burns the geranium roots. This is where it is important to comply with the norm. Do not destroy the plant through the roots, but at the same time create severe stress, which, in turn, will provoke an abundant flowering of pelargonium. Watering with hydrogen peroxide works by the same method. I dilute the solution at the rate: I take a drop of peroxide per liter of water. I advised this method to many, they say, it helps. If you do not have time to study agricultural technology, then abundantly flowering geraniums can be obtained in this way.

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Iodine and geranium. Illustration for the article is used from
Iodine and geranium. Illustration for the article is used from

Stick a pin into the barrel of the pelargonium

Many growers say that this is a working way - to stick a thick needle or pin into the trunk of the bush. The plant begins to stress, “thinking” that it is dying, and “decides” to actively continue the genus, throwing out more and more peduncles for seed formation. Only this procedure can be done with old bushes, young and thin ones can die after such a manipulation.

Pour potassium magnesium into the pot

This method is not as barbaric as the previous two. This one will definitely benefit the flower. It is to him that I most often resort to when geranium ceases to please with its rapid flowering. 1/2 tablespoon of potassium magnesium is enough for one bush. I loosen the soil around the plant a little, scatter the granules and cover the soil. The beneficial substance will gradually penetrate into the soil during watering and have a beneficial effect on the plant.

Kalimagnesia. Illustration for the article is used from
Kalimagnesia. Illustration for the article is used from

For geraniums to bloom, I advise you to stick to traditional ways of caring for this plant: water, prune and fertilize correctly. Then you won't have to stick in needles and burn the geranium with iodine.

Read also: The perfect selection for your flower garden: these plants are the most tenacious

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