Why won't a bridge be built between Europe and Africa, although the distance between them is only 14 km

  • Jan 13, 2022
In our world, there are many tasks that at first glance seem simple and quickly solved, especially if you look at a graphic image, for example, the same drawing. But there are still hidden moments, the so-called pitfalls that complicate the situation and prevent the implementation of a particular task. This also applies to the two continents, Europe and Africa, the distance between which is only fourteen kilometers. But no one has yet succeeded in connecting them with a bridge, and it is unlikely to succeed. There are reasons for this.
In our world, there are many tasks that at first glance seem simple and quickly solved, especially if you look at a graphic image, for example, the same drawing. But there are still hidden moments, the so-called pitfalls that complicate the situation and prevent the implementation of a particular task. This also applies to the two continents, Europe and Africa, the distance between which is only fourteen kilometers. But no one has yet succeeded in connecting them with a bridge, and it is unlikely to succeed. There are reasons for this.
In our world, there are many tasks that at first glance seem simple and quickly solved, especially if you look at a graphic image, for example, the same drawing. But there are still hidden moments, the so-called pitfalls that complicate the situation and prevent the implementation of a particular task. This also applies to the two continents, Europe and Africa, the distance between which is only fourteen kilometers. But no one has yet succeeded in connecting them with a bridge, and it is unlikely to succeed. There are reasons for this.
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1. Divided continents

The fact that the continents change from time to time is known to absolutely everyone Photo: memotest.ru
The fact that the continents change from time to time is known to absolutely everyone / Photo: memotest.ru
The fact that the continents change from time to time is known to absolutely everyone / Photo: memotest.ru

The fact that the continents change from time to time is known to absolutely everyone. In one case, they can be grouped together, forming a huge continent, in the other, they can be divided into separate parts. In this regard, the territory of the planet is changing externally, large areas of land are divided into several smaller ones. In this case, all responsibility lies with nature, the universe. Human actions do not play a special role in this situation, and indeed cannot lead to such a result.

The construction of the tunnel under the English Channel took a huge amount of effort and finance, enormous efforts were made / Photo: vgudok.com
The construction of the tunnel under the English Channel took a huge amount of effort and finance, enormous efforts were made / Photo: vgudok.com

In general, it is important for people to arrange their lives, make them more comfortable, and these changes can be large-scale and quite successful. As an example, the English Channel with the Eurotunnel is suitable, the creation of which took a huge amount of effort and finance, enormous efforts were made. But the expected result was finally obtained.

If desired, and with appropriate actions, it is possible to lay a highway between any places separated from each other / Photo: divo-ra.blogspot.com
If desired, and with appropriate actions, it is possible to lay a highway between any places separated from each other / Photo: divo-ra.blogspot.com

It turns out that with the desire and appropriate actions, it is possible to lay a highway between any places separated from each other. But reality says otherwise. Despite the proximity of the two continents, Africa and Europe, it was not possible to connect them by a highway due to the lack of opportunities in principle.

2. What is the reason for the impossibility of connecting the continents

If they were able to build the Crimean bridge across the Kerch Strait 18 km long, then why not connect Africa and Europe with a distance of only 14 km / Photo: funart.pro
If they were able to build the Crimean bridge across the Kerch Strait 18 km long, then why not connect Africa and Europe with a distance of only 14 km / Photo: funart.pro

For the average person, the picture is incomprehensible. After all, only fourteen kilometers separate the continents, which is not so much, especially considering that not so long ago the Crimean bridge was erected, and its length is eighteen kilometers. It turns out that in the case of the continents, the construction of a bridge is impossible from a practical point of view. The fact is that the Strait of Gibraltar is the deepest of all existing on our planet. In general, no resources will be enough to install supports for the bridge, even if all of humanity is involved in the project.

The depth of the Kerch Strait is eighteen meters and the Crimean bridge was erected there / Photo: pereyaslavskayarada.com
The depth of the Kerch Strait is eighteen meters and the Crimean bridge was erected there / Photo: pereyaslavskayarada.com

The depth of the Kerch Strait is eighteen meters and the Crimean bridge was erected there. The English Channel is deeper - 174 m, in connection with which the tunnel was dug. Building a bridge in such conditions is incredibly difficult. Gibraltar has a much greater depth - from 800 to 900 meters, and in the deepest place it is 1,181 m. But these are not all obstacles. The current here is too powerful - up to one hundred and ten trillion cubic meters per year. These are approximately three Baikal lakes united into one.

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The current in the Strait of Gibraltar is opposite: in the upper part the direction of the water is east, in the lower part - west / Photo: ua.news

The current in the strait is opposite. In the upper part, the direction of the water is east, in the lower part - west. Given all these data, it’s scary to even imagine what kind of supports for the bridge should be in this place. In practice, it is impossible to build them.

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