Gracefully and swiftly: how to clean the pan from old fat and soot without the hassle

  • Jan 17, 2022
Gracefully and swiftly: how to clean the pan from old fat and soot without the hassle

What could be better than the good old "grandmother's" frying pan made in the USSR, tested over the years? Big, heavy and reliable. Her food always tastes better. But every frying pan, and especially this one, has one huge drawback: as it is used, old fat and soot accumulate on it. Getting rid of a layer of "food dirt" can be tricky. However, the issue can be resolved without store chemicals.

Soda will help. Photo:
Soda will help. / Photo:
Soda will help. / Photo:

What you need: large saucepan, tablespoon, water, baking soda, sandpaper, knife

You don’t have to do anything fundamentally difficult to clean the pan. It is important to emphasize that this cleaning method as a whole is universal and can be applied with equal efficiency to any other similar dishes. First of all, we take a pan of such a size that it will allow us to completely immerse a dirty frying pan into the vessel. Then we collect water in a saucepan and put it on the stove to warm up.

You will need a large saucepan. /Photo:
You will need a large saucepan. /Photo:
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We lower the dirty frying pan into the heated water, then pour 2-3 tablespoons with a slide of baking soda. We stir the water well. Let the pot boil for about 1 hour. During this time, bubbles should form in the water. Soda will react with water and fat, softening the latter. Soda bubbles will appear even before boiling bubbles appear. An hour later, when a characteristic foam appears on the surface of the water, we remove the pan and put out the fire.

Boil the pan for one hour. /Photo:
Boil the pan for one hour. /Photo:

During boiling, the soot should become inhomogeneous and brittle under the action of soda. We take a knife and begin to carefully cut it into strips from the pan. We continue to separate layer after layer with the help of a cutting tool, in problem areas we carefully scrape the surface. After removing the bulk of the soot with a knife, the pan should be washed with traditional means and treated with sandpaper to restore the original shine.

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We remove the soot with a knife. /Photo:
We remove the soot with a knife. /Photo:

In continuation of the topic, read about 11 Bad Cooking Habits That Make You Doubt in themselves and in products.
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