Why Khrushchev suggested burying tanks in the ground, and whether their combat capability has deteriorated

  • Jan 28, 2022
Why Khrushchev suggested burying tanks in the ground, and whether their combat capability has deteriorated

The fact that the tank was buried in the ground became widely known after the Spanish correspondents from ABC.es came across a photograph dated 1942 (the period of the Battle of Stalingrad). The picture shows the tank, which is almost completely underground. He was in a crater formed during the explosion, and looked like a real defensive bastion. One of the journalists was amused. He even suggested that someday the tanks would burrow into the ground on their own if there was a serious obstacle in their way.

Driving a tank into cover and disguising it there is practically a standard exercise for tank crews and artillery crews. But during the Second World War, this tactic was just beginning to be used. The concept of using armored vehicles did not involve a long "sitting" in the bushes. Therefore, the gun turrets, barely rising above the ground, became an unpleasant surprise for the enemy.

1. Is the author of the idea really N. Khrushchev

It is believed that this proposal from the then young General N. Khrushchev received during the Battle of Kursk / Photo: thefewgoodmen.com
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It is believed that this proposal from the then young General N. Khrushchev received during the Battle of Kursk / Photo: thefewgoodmen.com

The photograph of Khrushchev's authorship casts some doubt. It is believed that this proposal from the then young General N. Khrushchev received during the Battle of Kursk, which is shown in one of the episodes of the film "Liberation" directed by Ozerov. But after all, Khrushchev was also near Stalingrad and could offer such a method of defense. And in fact, it does not matter who came up with it, it is important that the idea gave its results, and positive ones.

2. Battle of Kursk and its features

Operation under the "Citadel". / Photo: litfund.ru
Operation under the "Citadel". / Photo: litfund.ru

In the summer of 1943, the German army wanted to regain the initiative on the Eastern Front. To achieve their goal, they organized an operation called "Citadel". A number of authors note that it did not have particularly strategic goals. The Germans were simply going to attack the Soviet soldiers near Kursk and Orel from two sides in order to straighten the front line. In any case, for the morale of the Red Army and the future of World War II, this battle was decisive.

In Germany, many technical innovations were prepared for the offensive: rocket launchers, Tigers (heavy tanks), Ferdinands (self-propelled artillery mounts). All had 88mm guns. They were also going to use the Panthers for the first time. At that time, both the Germans and the Soviets still had enough forces and means, in connection with which the operation was transformed into a heavy bloody battle.

3. "Underground" tanks rescued

Soviet troops dug trenches, trenches, anti-tank ditches in advance, made bunkers, prepared minefields and artillery positions / Photo: discover24.ru
Soviet troops dug trenches, trenches, anti-tank ditches in advance, made bunkers, prepared minefields and artillery positions / Photo: discover24.ru

The command of the Soviet Union had to perform an extremely difficult task, namely to hold back the onslaught of the enemy, who really wants to take revenge for the defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad. Therefore, it was necessary to take care of a powerful defense, and most importantly, so that the enemy did not guess about the preparatory work. Ours succeeded. Trenches, trenches, anti-tank ditches were dug in advance, bunkers were made, minefields and artillery positions were prepared. Regarding the use of tanks, the issue was also resolved. The solution was proposed by N. Khrushchev.

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Regarding the use of tanks, the issue was also resolved, the solution was proposed by N. Khrushchev / Photo: history-forum.ru
Regarding the use of tanks, the issue was also resolved, the solution was proposed by N. Khrushchev / Photo: history-forum.ru
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4. Reliable defense

From the south, German tanks began to advance on 07/05/1943, they were “welcome”: hand-type grenades, mines, anti-tank weapons / Photo: Twitter › muzeypobedy
From the south, German tanks began to advance on 07/05/1943, they were “welcome”: hand-type grenades, mines, anti-tank weapons / Photo: Twitter › muzeypobedy

German tanks began to advance from the south on 07/05/1943. We met them with hand-type grenades, mines, anti-tank weapons. The containment of the enemy lasted for several days in a row. The German command quickly realized that their operation was a failure. The Germans could not pass through the defenses of our troops from the north. The offensive ended on 07/10/1943. The situation on the southern flank also did not please the Germans. They were unable to secure their positions.

In continuation of the topic, read what
5 Soviet weapons "brands" from the Second World War will be recognized at a glance.
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