We fix errors due to which tomato seedlings acquired a purple hue

  • Feb 10, 2022
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Tomatoes are a frequent guest on our summer and even winter tables. Almost all summer residents grow this crop in their beds. In this article I will tell you how to properly care for tomato seedlings so that they are strong and healthy.

Tomato seedlings turn purple
Tomato seedlings turn purple
Tomato seedlings turn purple

Aspects of successful cultivation of tomatoes in the beds

The success of growing tomatoes directly depends on what conditions for growth we provide them. This culture loves:

  • fertile and breathable soil;
  • good lighting;
  • ventilation;
  • uniform watering;
  • dry air;
  • heat;
  • a large amount of phosphorus.

But tomatoes do not tolerate:

  • acidic and loamy soils;
  • fresh manure used as fertilizer;
  • landing thickening;
  • poor ventilation;
  • wet air;
  • a large amount of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • high air temperature;
  • waterlogging of the soil;
  • sudden changes in temperature.
tomato seedling
tomato seedling

Why do tomato seedlings turn purple?

Sometimes summer residents are faced with the fact that tomato seedlings acquire a purple hue. This usually indicates a lack of phosphorus. And as you know, phosphorus is poorly absorbed by seedlings with a sharp drop in air temperature. Therefore, you should not apply more phosphorus fertilizers, but either cover the seedlings at night with a film (if it has already been planted in open ground), or take the boxes with seedlings into a warm room for the night.

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So, what to do with tomato seedlings if it has acquired a purple hue

If you notice that the leaves of tomatoes are colored purple, but at the same time they are raised up, then the reason lies in the low temperature drop. Try to protect the seedlings from the cold as much as possible and give them more light (natural or artificial). Over time, the tomatoes will turn green again.

Lighting for seedlings is necessary
Lighting for seedlings is necessary

If the air temperature in the room where the seedlings are grown did not fall below +15 degrees, then a purple hue indicates a lack of phosphorus. This problem is solved by applying fertilizers.

What needs to be done to make tomato seedlings stronger and healthier

Everyone knows that strong and healthy tomato seedlings are more resistant to any negative factors. Therefore, I recommend that even at the stage of planting seeds, soak them in a solution of "Epin" (growth stimulator). I also recommend watering seedlings not just with warm water, but with a weak solution of humate.

If you do everything right, you will be able to grow strong tomato seedlings that are resistant to any negative factors.

Read also: I am very serious about feeding tomato seedlings - this is a guarantee of her health and strength. I tell you what and when I bring

Another related article: Caring for tomato seedlings, which provides me with a high-quality and tasty harvest

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#purple tomato seedlings#causes of leaf color change#tomatoes