Why are there flimsy locks on doors in the USA: are Americans really so careless

  • Feb 13, 2022
Why are there flimsy locks on doors in the USA: are Americans really so careless

Thanks to Hollywood, one does not need to travel to America in order to evaluate what kind of locks are on the doors of private houses. In most cases, neither the locks themselves nor the doors in which they are installed make a serious impression. The best word that can be chosen to characterize both of them is “flimsy”. A logical and quite logical question arises: why are citizens so careless about the safety of themselves, their families and their own property?

Suburban idyll. |Photo: oir.mobi.
Suburban idyll. |Photo: oir.mobi.
Suburban idyll. |Photo: oir.mobi.

Some will say that Americans are so careless that they absolutely do not care about their own safety. Others will say that in the United States the concept of “private property” is so sacredly honored that not a single decent citizen would even dare to set foot on a neighbor’s lawn without his permission. But in such reflections, everything rests on the fact that castles from time immemorial are not needed from decent people. And with the "dishonest" citizens in the United States, everything is in order. It is easy to judge this even by the clogged "colored" and "white" prisons. And although today is far from the 1950s, informal segregation in America remains. And no matter how much they rage about the situation of certain social groups in the United States, some narrow-minded compatriots, for America, the problem of social stratification, as well as the problem of racism, remains extremely relevant.

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In all cities there is an ordinary social housing. |Photo: nakvartire.com.
In all cities there is an ordinary social housing. |Photo: nakvartire.com.

The truth is that modest locks and doors are most often seen in the private sector where the upper half of the so-called "middle class" - people who are quite wealthy, and in some cases even rich. Most often, strangers simply do not go to such areas, including because in the United States, “watchful old women” immediately call the police at the sight of suspicious citizens. In addition, many wealthy private areas have their own security agencies, whose employees are highly likely to ask all outsiders to leave the territory.

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each area has a patrol. |Photo: worldatlas.com.
each area has a patrol. |Photo: worldatlas.com.

The next important point is related to the fact that even in quite presentable areas, many people actually have two doors: an outer door and an inner door. The latter, as a rule, has solid hinges, and the locks on it are such that some banks will envy. Most often, double doors can be seen in the private sectors of those states where snow falls in winter and the thermometer needle drops below zero.

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But the most important thing is that most people from the outside do not see or, for various reasons, prefer not to notice. Not all people in the US live in the suburbs in private homes. The vast majority of people live in social housing, little different from that in any other part of the world. Moreover, in US cities there are also frankly depressive, dysfunctional areas where social housing turns into natural ghettos. In such places, everything is in perfect order with doors and locks. Of course, if the inhabitant of the apartment is able to afford both.

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